29 | Name

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Brina's POV

"Have you seen the news?" Lorcan asked me first thing in the morning. I just arrived at the dining room and I am not even seated yet but he already asked me that.

"What news?" I answered him by asking a question while going to the vacant seat. I am confused upon seeing where is the only vacant seat, next Cadmus. I mean shouldn't it be either Lorcan or Caiden as they are his most closest friends? Nevertheless, I did not asked about that.

"You don't know the news about your company's business?" Caiden asked me this time.

"Oh that", I acted like I did not know it beforehand, "My mom just called this morning to tell me about that and so I would like to skip the training today as I'll be in the company."

"Uhm, I'm not sure about that since two days from now will be the preliminary round", Lorcan answered hesitantly before looking at Cadmus. So, I looked at Cadmus with my pleading eyes while waiting for him to answer.

"You can skip the training this but in return you'll do an extra training after you came back", He said that made me pout a little as I expected to skip the whole training.

"Okay" answered him defeated.

"Oh by the way Brina, since your mother is the new president, she can declared you as the sole heir of the company right?" Lorcan open up another topic and soon followed by Caiden's statement, "Right!"

"She can" but she won't or at least I won't let her. I answered Lorcan but the latter words are left unspoken.

How can I let her do that if I am not her biological daughter? I am not.

»•» ⚠️ «•«

I am here now at the Mertiz Company, walking towards the President's office. I knocked three times before walking inside, and saw two employee talking with my mom. So I waited for a while until they are done.

"Brina, I heard you are the one who brought up my name during the shareholder's selection of the new President. Why did you do that?" My mom asked me in a calm tone.

"I just did the right thing, this is your company from the start right?" I answered her while walking towards the seat in front of her table.

"I know but you could brought up your name, I am sure if you did that, you will be the one seating on this seat." My mom followed up a question.

"You know I am not the one to manage this company, I am in no way have anything to do with this right? You can think of it as a way of repaying you for treating me like your daughter, I mean a biological one", I explained to her with a smile on my face.

My statement made her shocked that he stuttered, "Y-you remembered?" I just nodded my head as an answer and so he followed up a question, "When?"

"Three years or so? I am sorry for not telling you sooner, I just want to live a normal life for once" I answered her and the silence filled the room.

Five Years Ago

I felt myself alive but at the same time dead... I felt like I am floating. I can't even bring my eyes to open... nor my body to move. I am just conscious but I can't move.

I let myself in that situation for a while and took the time to remember what happened before that resulted to me – experiencing this hopeless situation.

I remembered that I am driving a car at its maximum speed, and I felt myself in panic mood. I did not care whether I would be in an accident, I just knew that I must escape no matter what. I must never let them know my identity.

Everything happened in a flash.

I did not even know how but I just felt my body thrown by a vigorous force. Soon after that, I met a strong waves of the water but before I can fully drown in unconsciousness, I heard someone called me, my alter ego.


The voice sounded like he is afraid of what he just saw, afraid of me being dragged in the vast deep ocean.

But who am I kidding? No one would ever be afraid of losing me or at least someone like me. I did a lot of unimaginable crimes, I have been living in the dark, I am the chaos that would constantly destroy the peace.

No one would want someone like that. No one would want me. No one.

Then I felt my consciousness being drown by the seconds.

Until a loud sound of music passed by which made me regained a little bit consciousness. And so here I am, floating somewhere. I am conscious mentally but not physically.

I was in this situation for a while and so the tiredness is overpowering me. I was so ready to succumb to that tiredness once again not until a loud female voice jolted me which woke me up mentally as I still can't move physically.

"Oh my gosh! Is that a girl?!"

Then after a while, felt the waves move in an uneasy way. A sudden grabbed to my hands surprised me mentally and soon after, I felt the warm of a person's body. Someone is hugging me.

That person dragged me in the shore and immediately put a hand near my nose, probably checking if I am still breathing. I heard the person sighed in relief after knowing that I am breathing.

"Lara! Bring someone to carry her in the house and call my personal doctor!"

I perceived the person near me shouted to someone before I felt my body shaking mildly and heard, "Hey, wake up!"

Although it was done in a calming manner, I forced my eyes to open. I did it but just a little and the sight are also blurry. I recognize the person shaking my body to be a female by his long hair and soft hand that is touching me.

"Oh my gosh! Thank God you woke up!" The woman then hugged me so tight after he saw my eyelids moving upwards.

"What's your name?" She then asked me in serene voice after a while of hugging me.

"T-Tsilla-a Bri-Brina-a" I forced myself to speak thus resulting to a not so good voice and I am hoping she can at least comprehend what I said.

"I am so glad you kept my real name" I said to her after remembering the past, "And thank you for letting me use your surname."

She then looked at me with her proud smile, she is like looking at her biological daughter who achieved something great, "Then, may I know what's your full name?"

I gave her a genuine smile before answering,

"Tsilla Brina Runihura"

───── ❝ 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐁𝐲𝐊𝐫𝐱𝐬 ❞ ─────

A glimpsed of code was deciphered in this chapter! Stay tune for the upcoming waves of cryptic messages and codes!

Are you confident to decipher all of that? 

Are you brave enough for that?

𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝙑𝙤𝙩𝙚, 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚!

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