46 | Mirror

496 41 7

Brina's POV

"Danielle is missing!"

Cadmus said it to me with worry right after I opened the door of our backstage room. That three words froze me so hard that I even forget to breathe not until Cadmus lightly shook my body.

Immense thoughts came flooding my mind all at once! And I don't like what they are.

Danielle should be fine.

I kept thinking that but certain scenes kept overpowering that thought.


- Black or Dark Death

- Mirror the Link

- Danielle Martinez

Did Z, for the first time have her data wrong?

That scenes kept bugging me and it is starting to eat me up. Countless of what-ifs are surging me.

And for the first time, I wish I really did have the data wrong.

Because what if I did not got the data wrong? What if I did not investigated thoroughly? What if L is in danger right now? What if I continued digging deeper instead of training for the tournament? What if I–

"Tsilla! Are you okay?" I saw Cadmus in front of me looking so worried. I wish I can answer his question right now, but I can't.

"How did she go missing?" Instead of answering his question, I asked him another question.

He then sighed first before answering me, "She actually followed you outside but after a minutes a guard came here with the bad news."

Wait. That confuses me, so I asked again, "How did the guard knew it was Danielle and our backstage room or even our team members?"

That's what confuses me! It is like the guard knew who, where and what to do if that event happen. Is it planned? Ugh! There's so many loophole I could think of but no one came as plausible.

"The guard said someone informed him about our details and about L, he actually witness a girl getting dragged but was too late to stop it." Caiden answered me this time.

Then followed by Lorcan's statement, "He actually gave us this and said it was in the ground where the event happened."

Lorcan gave me something and when I looked, it is the matte black compact mirror. Then as if on cue, something flickered on my mind.

And so without a doubt, I immediately took my bag in a hurry but Cadmus grabbed my hand making me stop what I was doing.

"What are you planning?" I also saw how Lorcan and Caiden looked at me with worry in their eyes.

I sighed in defeated before answering them, "I might have to investigate."

"What?! You know it is dangerous!" Cadmus snapped.

"He was right Brina, I already contacted Mr. Lowell so rest assured that they are now locating her." Lorcan said in hoping that would change my mind but it is not.

"You three will need to stay here as the competition is still ongoing but you can help by updating me with Mr. Lowell's status since you are close to him. Lorcan can also try to find Danielle whereabouts through your tablet, Caiden just as usual, can be our look out for the media, and Cadmus you can help using your status. You can all do that while you are here."

CODE Z: The Unseen (Cryptic Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now