01 | Mall Game

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Brina's POV

"Brina! There's a share holder meeting later, would you like to come?" My mom said while preparing my breakfast. 

"No, I'll do shopping later" I timidly said while biting a sandwich. Right after she heard this she immediately answer, "Right right, Our Brina never attended the meeting. You can buy everything you want! As many as you want okay? Here's another card if ever you need one"

Yes. I never attended a meeting much less go there. My mom is the ex-wife of the owner of the company, the reason why she gets a share which bring us money even though we don't really do any business. My mom likes to pamper me so much that she don't care about herself anymore. She would be like a fool for her daughter which makes everyone looks down on her.

"Mom, I'll do just fine okay?" I assured her while giving the card back to her. Yes, we have money but I really don't want to abuse her kindness.

A ring tone cut our conversation and I saw my mom tensed when she looked at the caller's id before she walked out away from me so that I can't hear what they are talking.

While we're at it, let me brief you about my life here. Me and my mom are treated like a dirt.  Although we have money, no one wants to interact with us. They are almost treating us like a wind, which is probably because of my father.

I know for a fact how much my father hated us but so far, I'm okay with this. I mean I am not that bothered that no one interacts with us, I even love it more. No interactions, no problems.

I am Tsilla Brina Zien, upcoming third year college in Beste University. School starts next week that is why I need to go to mall later, to buy things I needed for school. 

"Sweetheart, I gotta go now." Mom said when she came back and immediately took her bag to run off leaving me here alone.

After I finished my breakfast, I decided to go to mall earlier than I planned since there's nothing to do here. I grab a black hoodie and pants then took my backpack before going out. I' am not the type of girl who wears skirts and dresses, I prefer hoodies and pants.

Arriving at the mall, I immediately go towards the gadgets area. Hmm, I just love gadgets so much but I don't want to buy any especially if it is not my own money, technically it is from my mom and I don't like using someone else's.

A group of teenagers mostly boys around my age caught my attention. They are grouped like they are surrounding something while shouting different phrases. They were loud which made me wonder how the security did not confronted them nor kick them out of this area.

While walking towards the group, a sales lady is coming up towards me so I immediately asked her, "Miss, what's the commotion there?" the sales lady look at me with a confused face but still answered, "A boy happen to play a game match with Almighty Lux".

After that the sales lady run towards a customer waiting for her while I walked towards the group. I did my best just to be in front of them and I made it, perks of having a petite body. A boy younger than me is playing a game in one of the sample computer.

I saw how serious the boy is but looks like he is having a hard time since a lot of watchers are screaming what the boy should do which makes the boy flustered on what to do or who to listen to.

I must say, he is definitely a beginner. But he got talent, as I saw how his hand pressed those keys and how his eyes looks while playing the game.

"Thunder then dash right" I slowly whispered to him when I saw the opportunity and I am glad he did what I told him. "Drop the special spell then leap backwards" I once again whispered to him and minutes later an announcement was heard, Double Kill. 

The boy didn't have the time to look away from the screen as the fight was intense. When I saw that there's only a little hp left on the enemy's lifeline, I whispered to the boy what to do to let him have the last kill. "Press the AWD and 256 at the same time, NOW" after saying this, I immediately run away from them since I knew the audience will be louder this time.

Not getting so far away from them, I heard all of them screamed celebrating their victory. Well, that's why I ran away, they will definitely damaged my eardrums if I am near that group. I saw the boy who played stand up while turning 360°, looking for someone.

I immediately put up the hood and walk faster towards the bookstore, I almost forgot the reason why I am here in the first place. Since I am walking faster I didn't notice and bumped to someone. 

"Sorry, running to get someone" I heard the boy spoke before dashing towards the group. Isn't it a bit too late to go there since the match is finished? Weird.

Before I can even continue walking forward, another boy is dashing towards the group too. Now what? Are they having a rematch? Why are there some boys dashing towards them when the match is already finished?

Wait, maybe the are the one who were defeated by the boy? And they are here to bully since their ego can't accept that? Is that it? I almost go back there but stopped when my phone vibrated, saw one of my so-called bodyguard texted me.

Ma'am, we should go home before three PM.

Ugh, curfew. My mom would always want me to be home and I can't help but obey her since I owe her a lot.

After reading the text, I immediately run off towards the bookstore, forgetting about the group of friends. I must buy what I need for school today so that I would get a lot of time designing it.

I bought a hard bound cover notebook which is the most important thing I must buy. Well, I also need to find something that would let me earn money through my own effort. So that I can now slowly be myself again.

───── ❝ 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐁𝐲𝐊𝐫𝐱𝐬 ❞ ─────

Hello! How is that for the first chapter? I know there's nothing much but I hope you'll continue to support this until all the codes are coded!

What we saw today is just a glimpse of Brina's life, stay updated and find out her full story!

Also would like to dedicate this chapter to my co-writer/cousin who writes with me! Support her story please! 

𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝙑𝙤𝙩𝙚, 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚!

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