26 | Reclaimed

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Dritan's POV

"Why did you called us here?"

"Got an idea?"

Both Lorcan and Caiden spoke at the same time once they are inside my pad. I called them to let them know that I have a clue behind that cryptic message.

"I think I can grasp the message", I said to them while bringing out my laptop to show them the recently posted message from the same anonymous user.

From what they look upon seeing the post, they are already aware of it.

"The second line is time right?" Lorcan asked us in which I answered by nodding my head.

"What's the third then?" Caiden asked this time. I answered him shortly with, "Three Ws."

They looked so baffled upon hearing what I just said and so I elaborated my answer, "Three W rules? The first line is WHAT – the main purpose of the message, the second line is WHEN – the time it will be done and lastly, the third is–"

I can't continue with what I was saying because both Lorcan and Caiden beat me off by saying, "WHERE"

"Yes. The place where it will be done. The main target." I said continuing what I was saying before.

"We only need to know the the place to prevent it from happening!" Caiden shouted his words like he just found a perfect solution but it is not.

"You will never stop Z", this made them silent but what I said is true, no one can prevent what Z is about to do. Although Z likes to give him cryptic messages or hints, you can decipher but it will never stop him. He will make it happen no matter what.

"So? What can we do?" Caiden asked after a while of silence.

Lorcan answered him with, "For now let's decipher what the last line. Yes we know it's a place but we don't know where it is specifically."

»•» ⚠️ «•«

Brina's POV

Today is the day the shareholders' meeting will happen. The day they will kick out my mom out of her own company.

"Brina, I'll go now", I heard my mom said in a sad tone before leaving our house. I did not come with her as I need to do something before.

When she was clearly not around, I immediately did my business. I prepare what was needed to prepare. And after all of that, I go out. Ready to give back what was rightfully to the real owner.

"Now let us all vote whether Mrs. Zein will be officially kicked out of the Mertiz Company"

I heard before I abruptly opened the door and by the look of it, everyone is shocked. Yes, that's right! Be shock! I was born to surprised you!

I saw my mom stood up and ran towards me right away while her looks was showing how anxious she was plus giving a side glanced to my so-called father who is seated at the center front.

"Brina! What are you doing here?" I ignored her questioned and directly walked with my head held high towards the center front, where my father was seated. 

I saw his mouth opened but before he can even talk, I immediately said coldly, "Excuse me, you are seating in the wrong seat."

"What?! You brat! Don't you have manners!" He shouted so loud, all the employees turned their eyes away and saw some of them even flinched upon hearing it.

"I do. I said excuse me, didn't I?" I mockingly said to him and continue before he can even answered back, "Do. You. Have. Manners?" I slowly said to him emphasizing every word and smirked upon hearing a loud and long beep sound, alarming everyone inside the room.

The white screen which were showing the monthly report of the company was replaced by a video showcasing different cases but emphasized the word,

Mr. Francisco Mertiz




"You pocketed a lot of funds?! How dare you! And you even blamed it on us for not being productive?!"

"You used my partnership to gain fame for your business while degrading ours?!"

"I'll sue you for this!"

"I can't believe, you almost tricked us to kick out Mrs. Zein when in fact it should have been you!"

"I will drag this to court!"

Everyone seating in the long table – the shareholders, are shouting and letting out different words. Some even stood up out of frustration for being betrayed by their most trusted man. My father or should I say, Mr. Francisco just snatched their VIP's partnership by degrading their business.

Mr. Francisco Mertiz kept quiet all this time, still not leaving his eyes to the white screen even though the video presented was already done.

"T-that's not true! I can all sue you for defamation!" My father shouted after being quiet for a long time. "Someone is trying to drag me down! Is this your doing btch!?" He again shouted and pointed at my mom.

That act just gave him away. The way he shouted clearly showed he is panicking and is guilty. He suddenly run towards my mom with his eyes burning but soon stopped when the door suddenly opened with a loud bang.

"You are under arrest Mr. Francisco Mertiz", The guy wearing a police uniform just walked straight to my father and immediately showed a paper in his face.

"NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I NEED TO RUN THE COMPANY!" My father shouted again but this time with much louder voice when two other men hand-cuffed him.

"I told you before right? You are seating in a wrong seat." I mocked him when he were near me, they are currently dragging him out of the room but stopped when I spoke.

"YOU! DID YOU DO THIS?!" He again shouted and I felt my eardrums hurt, I mean he shouted right in front of me when I can even hear his whispers!

"Oh wait! Looks like you are not only seating in the wrong seat but –" I said aloud but whispered right to his left ear the words, "you are in the wrong place too." 

Before he can shout again, I continue saying, "Don't worry dad! These gentlemen will bring you to your right place!" the sarcasm was evident on my tone and smile while pointing the police men.

The police men then dragged him out of the room and when he was nowhere in our sight, I put a lollipop on my mouth before turning around the people in the long table and said,

"Now, shall we rearrange the positions?"

───── ❝ 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐁𝐲𝐊𝐫𝐱𝐬 ❞ ─────

Thank you so much for reading this! We are now halfway to 2k reads! Words are not enough to tell you how grateful I am 🥺💜

I Purple You All!

𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝙑𝙤𝙩𝙚, 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚!

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