A Hunter Raven

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A loud boom brought us apart to look out the window. To look at the commotion outside. Wild angry fire burned the far side of the palace building in flames. I heard cries and pleas alike. It looked like hell had decided to fall upon us.

Lucas let go of me and quickly slammed the glass window. The pieces of glass reflected the moonlight as it showered down. He held on the side of the window and jumped to sit on it, leaning his head out to look upon the sky that was slowly getting darker.

Angry dark clouds filled the sky, covering the moon and soon it poured on us, raging the flames and soon calming it down. I let out the breath that I had been holding as Lucas looked back at me. "Stay here." His eyes pleaded me as he jumped out of the window leaving me by myself.

I run after him to the window, only to see that he was long gone. To where the hell was raising. Now dark smoke raised up to meet the equally dark clouds that was raining heavily. Still.

How did this happen? Who could have done it? And on the night that I was revealed to the Lycans. Only one face came to my mind as I stormed out the door onto the dark empty hallways. The electricity had been cut off and there was not a single Lycan around. The click of my heel was the only thing that echoed the hallways.

When I was only a few doors away from his room, I heard movement far ahead, so I halted my footsteps. I bent down to take my heel off and gently placed them on the ground, careful not to make any sound that could alarm whoever was hovering the empty hallways. I bent myself lower and tiptoed over to the huge pillar so it could cover my body.

The footsteps came closer to where I stood. I held my breath, masked my scent, my entire being, what I was. I put up the wall again as I awaited their arrival.

They passed by me. I craned my neck just a little as their back was to me and I saw them standing by the door. His bedroom door. Why?

I think I know why.

They looked at each other and nodded before they slammed the door open. Breaking the door open. My heart sinked as I saw them all go in. I heard noises inside the room, doors banging open, glasses shattering, furniture's breaking. Then I heard his roar. A gruesome roar. His frustration clear.

"Where is she?" I heard his familiar voice.

Then I heard another glass shattering. "She was not meant to live. Find Brad. That bastard. I'm going to kill him." His anger was fuming from the door. Oh, you might not have to worry about that.

He growled once more before I heard a cry of another Lycan. He probably was hurting his own men now. "This was going so well. She wasn't supposed to be here. The royals were supposed to be at their weakest today. Ophelia's prediction was supposed to be proven wrong. The Lycans belief on them was supposed to break down. Now everything is wrong. All because of her." he roared again, followed by a scream of pain that soon died down. He killed his own men.

"I want her dead." No, I cannot stay here just for them to find me. I need to move. I swiftly ran away from them as I hear his final command. "Find her now."

Every little movement made me halt my steps and listen for any danger. I knew there was war going on by the sound of the growls, snarls and roar alike. This was because of me. All because he wanted me dead. Why?

I stayed hidden in the far end of the hallway, away from all the commotion. I locked myself in this dark room which seemed like a storeroom. There was not a single window to reflect any light on it.

I sat on the corner by the door, very much alert. As silent as my heart was, the world outside seemed to have quietened down now. I no more heard any sounds. Nothing.

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