Where Raven Belongs

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"There you are ladies. I have been waiting for your call. I almost thought that you had forgotten about me." Eliana appears out of nowhere. But the air around us is still heavy. Even though I want to run and hug Eliana, I cannot leave this Lycan wide open for Aya. My jaws tighten as a scowl forms on my face. "Oh, let me introduce you to my brother here. Elias Nikolaos Castellanos." Her hand points toward the Lycan I'm having a glaring battle with.

"Big brother, meet Aya and the little beast, right here." That does the job now. I forfeit from my staring contest with Elias as I turn towards Eliana.

"What did you call me? Never mind. No fair. That's cheating. I lost because of you." I accuse Eliana as she stares blankly at me. I give Elias a glare before I start blabbering. "My staring contests. I was this close to winning." I motion with my finger, almost squeezing my thumb and forefinger.

Eliana bursts out laughing as an amused smile takes place on Elias' face. "See what I told you big brother. This one is really interesting." She says in-between her laughter. "Amusing indeed." His voice sounds melodious like his sisters. They would definitely be mistaken for twins. He holds out his hands for me to take. "It's nice meeting you little Amara. I have heard a lot about you."

"Same here" I reply taking his hand. Then a wide grin plasters on my face as I abandon his hand and run to leap at Eliana. "I missed you Eliana. Like so much." I yell in her ears as I tiptoe to hug her and put my arms around her neck. "I missed you sister." I whisper.

Her melodious laugher fills my ears as she whispers, "I have missed you too, little beast."

We both release each other as my arm wraps around her waist while hers over my shoulder. We watch the two who stands staring at each other without me in their way. Aya seems to have composed herself as she has now thought it better to close her mouth. "Anyways, what's up with them?" I whisper to Eliana. While she puts her index finger to her lips and telling me to be quiet. So, I zip my lips shut.

Elias extends his hand out for Aya while she looks down to stare at it. She slowly brings her hand out, but he quickly grabs her hand and shakes it. He does not let go though he's brushing the back of her hand softly with his thumb now. It seems as if he doesn't want to let go of her.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Aya." He whispers, making Aya raise her head up to meet his eyes once again. "I found you at last. I'm never letting go now." He squeezes her hand tight as she shudders.

"Okay. This is too much for my dumb brain. Can someone explain what's going on in here?" I ask clearly lost in their game. Everyone seemed to understand it apart from me.

"Mate" Aya's word shock me. Now it's me with their eyes and mouth wide open for the ravens. "Oh, Ravens."

Elias pulls her closer to him and Aya complies, enjoying his closeness by the look on her face. My heart sinks at the bottom of the pit. "That's it. Finally, my Aya can be happy now. Did I just say that aloud? Oh boy." My legs are shaking as I turn around. I bend down to sit, so my feet were now bearing the weight of my whole body as I hug my arms around me.

"I am so happy." My eyes are bawling now. The tears don't seem to stop. I now sit there and openly cry out loud while the three giants surround me. "I'm sorry that I kept her away for so long. You can take her now. She's all yours." Then I cry harder.

All the guilt I felt for years as I watched all those other rouges finding their mates and leaving the pack, slowly washed away. All the tears I could not shed around the years came flooding down like a river which did not wanted to stop. And I sat there with my head resting on top of my knees as I now sobbed quietly.

I don't know when but Aya's scent engulfed me as she came to hug me from the front. I opened up for her and held her tight. "I'm sorry Aya. I held you back for so long. If it wasn't for me, you would have met him years ago." My voice broke in-between sobs and hiccup.

She tugs my arms to free her from me as she forces me to look at her in the eye. "Now listen, my sweet Raven. Listen well. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have met him. I met him because of you. Thank you. My sister." She whispers the last word.

The tears that seemed to have stopped, starts flowing freely once more. I see Aya's face lined with a few tears through my thick glossy ones. I smile through my tears and brace myself into her. Thanking her for all she had given to me.

"Aya is lost without Amara. Just as a Raven is lost without the woods to return to. Thank you for letting me be your woods to return to."

After my hysterical crying, I somehow convinced them to let be alone for some time so I can take this whole thing. Maybe digest it a bit. I told Aya to meet me back at our apartment at seven. It was already six now. But I just sat by the beach feeling its now cold breeze on my exposed skin.

Finally, Aya found her home. She has a place she belongs to. But my question is do I belong with her? With them?

No matter how much and how hard I try to convince myself. I just can't. My answer is the same every time.

No, a Raven doesn't belong to ocean. The ocean is too wide and too big. Too unpredictable for Raven. A Raven is free in the woods where she truly belongs. A Raven needs its earth beneath it and a calm blue sky over it.

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