Hunting Raven

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Eliana Tessa Castellanos

My life kind of feels empty now that the sisters both have decided to leave. We might have formed a bond over the past few days we have been together. I still don't know, how they saved me but I'm still grateful that they did. They are a very secretive pair of sisters, drastically contradictory both in features and personalities alike.

Aya was the overprotective sister. Her light blond hair shimmered in the light. Her pale complexion made her brown eyes lighter or darker depending on the time of day. She is very tall for a werewolf and very strong, might I add very beautiful even for a werewolf. It might be due to the Alpha blood in her. I doubt that they know I'm aware of this. A normal werewolf can't take half of what our journey offered. She's a very uptight person especially to strangers. But once you get to know her, she's really not. It's just a wall she tries to build around herself to ward off everyone.

While Amara is a whole different story. She's short even for a sixteen-year-old that she looks like. But the confidence and grace she carries around is that of a queen. But her mouth compels you to think otherwise. That girl has no filter. She has all the sass one would not need. Her long wavy hair is as black as a Raven which very much suits her. Her forest green eyes are so clear yet sometimes so dark. It is very hard to read them. The beauty that she tries to hide with that excess amount of clothing does her no good in keeping her hidden. You can see her luscious curve as she moves around even in them.

I know the sisters are hiding more than what meets the eyes. But I just cannot seem to figure them out. Every time, I think I understand them, they completely loose me. I know that under Amara's blabbering, there's a reason. It seems as if her life's goal is to keep her sister entertained. Although at first, it might seem as if Aya is protecting the childish Amara. But it's actually the other way around.

Aya is the one being protected. By the tiny little human they want me to think she is. But the moment I saw her, I knew she wasn't a human or a werewolf. And since my Lycan failed to reach out to her, I'm assuming she's not a Lycan too. Then what is she? Well, it still remains a mystery. But as she said, she's a beast. And she knows it. And accepts it? Perhaps.

She's full of mystery. The morning that she disappeared; it was as if the trees were hiding her. Although the land surrounded stretched very far and wide, it was difficult to hide from a Lycan. Even the woods were not enough to shelter anyone if we wanted to pry. But little Amara was able to do so. No matter how hard I tried to look around with my Lycan eyes, I failed to pinpoint her location. But I saw her walk back through the very forest. She really is a little beast. I guess probably because she was born and raised by the nature, the woods might think of her as one of their own. I don't know.

It's been almost a week since they left. My brother still hasn't been back home. I stopped going to campus which we admitted ourselves into just because. I was getting kind of bored being alone again. I need some friends in my life. The closest friend that I have come to make were Amara and Aya in years. Well apart from some Lycans back home. It's making me miss home. Almost.

I haven't been back in years now. Almost ten, I guess. And I doubt I'll go back anytime soon. The overbearing protectiveness from my parent and my loving and caring uncle, I cannot stand. There're always ten guards behind me every step I walk outside our home. So, I decided to leave with my brother of course like they were going to let me leave alone. On top, I was forced to live in a house owned by my dear cousin. The irony of being the only girl between the two families.

Now, I'm just lounging on the roof by the walk in jacuzzi, taking in the sun. The soft and subtle breeze, the ocean carries, teases me with its coolness. Then I heard the car roaring far. I stood up from the lounge chair and saw my brother get off the car and walk down the stairs. I guess, he's back. As soon as he opened the dark glossy wooden door, he just froze.

He looked around as he scanned the house with his similar blue eyes to mine. I stood there with my arms folded, studying him. He sniffed the air again as the creases on his forehead started to form. In a heartbeat he was up the stairs and headed towards the guest's room.

I slowly walked inside as my eyes still stared in the corner he disappeared into. I went and sat by the sofa, my leg neatly folded across another and arms still crossed. Then I saw him march towards where I sat. His golden hair so like mine, which was neatly combed now, messy as he must have run his fingers through them.

He eyed me almost accusingly. "Where is she?"

Now ladies and gentlemen, the drama unfolds. "Hello to you too, big brother. I'm glad you are over the moon to see me again." My voice was full of sarcasm. His sky-blue eyes were getting darker. "Where is she, Tessa?"

I know who he's talking about. He found her. Finally. "There were two of them. So... who is the one that you are looking for, big brother?" I tease him even though I clearly know who he was asking for when I saw him heading to the guest room by the corner. Of course, it's her. My overprotective big brother found someone to protect even more. I guess I'm seeing bright future ahead of me. Almost peaceful.

I stand up and stretch my arms over the ceiling. "Let's go on little hunt, shall we big brother?"

I may or may not have kept an eye on them since they left. So, I may or may not know where they are unless they had decided to move again. But they are so coming back wherever they are. I will hunt them down, even though I might not have to judging by the looks on my brother's face. Ooh! I'm so going to love this. They better be prepared. He looks kind of pissed that I let them go. But they are coming back now. No wonder, we formed a strong bond. We were in fact meant to be families. Sisters.

But then I think about them. Oh, my peaceful days, how I will miss you. Or maybe not. But how can I when I know a whole lot of package is going to be a part of my life now? A short little package called Amara Raven. That little beast.

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