Chapter 32

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"what the fuck are you doing," Bobby yelled angrily as he was struggling to get out of there hold. I tried to look over Daisy who has there hand around my throat pinning me to the locker, "get the fuck off of me," Ace spoke and then I heard someone get hit causing me to flinch and hit the back of my head against the lockers. 

I tried to get out of the hold again but their fake nails started to dig into my skin, "watch it, weakling," Daisy hissed between her teeth, tightening her grip around my neck. I felt my anxiety start to rise even more in my chest. I didn't like the way I was being held back, it felt all too familiar.

"Listen here you skank, were gonna make this quick, don't want Ryder coming to save the day," Daisy said getting in my face, "rumor has it that your sleeping with the boys so they can be your friends," 

my eyes widened. was that really what the rumors were about? me sleeping with the guys so they would be my friend? why would anyone think that in the first place? I mean I can see the reason why they would think that the boys don't hang out with anyone else and then they all of a sudden hang out with me so I see why they would think that but as low as me sleeping with them?

"i-its not true," I spoke shakily only for her to glare daggers at me. 

"you seriously think we believe that?" Rachel asked,

"How does the worthless weak little girl befriend the bad boys of the school? I mean come on they cant be hanging out with you willingly," Molly said. 

was it that hard to believe that the bad boys would hang out with someone like me? I know im not much but im not that bad to be around. yet there making it sound like its a complete problem. 

I started to grow angry. who are they to be asking me questions about who I am friends with? is not like its any of there business, and if they wanted to know so bad why the bad boys befriended me why not ask them, why come after me?

"why not ask them?" I said smartly causing them to all glare at me. my cheek stung as it was forced to the side, Daisy had just slapped me across the face. "watch it, bitch, I can make your life a living hell if I wanted to," she said.

"go ahead then," I could see right behind daisy how shocked Bobby and Ace were. my response only angered Daisy more causing her to tighten her grip around my throat. my confidence vanished, memories started to pour into my head and I couldn't stop them.

"Dove, come here," he spoke. I curled up into a ball pushing myself into the wall behind me not wanting to get anywhere near him. he hurt me, he will hurt me. my body began to shake and it wasn't from the freezing temperatures in the room.

I didn't go to him and that caused him to grow angry "I told you to come here," he hissed out making me flinch. the back of my head hit the wall behind me, but I bit my tongue not letting a sound left my lips. I've learned that a long time ago, and I would never forget the punishment I got. 

"Dove," he said sickly the way he cracked a smile that sent shivers down my spine. he flexed his hands and turned them into fists. his knuckles started to turn white, I could see the veins in his arms popping out.  

he chuckled and let out a breath. he was trying to calm down but failed to do so. his eyes were filled with a raging fire, "im giving you one last chance dove. COME. HERE," 

I knew I needed to listen to him, I needed to move. but the fear that overtook my body made it impossible to do so. my eyes widened as I watched him move closer to me. I pushed myself impossibly closer to the wall wishing it would swallow me whole, but it didn't and I had to face the raging monster in front of me. 

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