Chapter 2

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"Shhh shhh, it's okay, your okay Bella," Ryder had buried his head in my hair right by my ear causing a shiver to go down my spine and this time it was a good shiver. he had his arms wrapped around me pressing me into his strong chest. I fisted the front of his shirt still shaking and buried my face into his chest. Ryder shifted his arms so one was wrapped around my back and the other was in my hair pressing my head into his chest. I found it comforting and found myself melting into him.

"It's okay, I'm here now, you're safe," I couldn't help but believe his words. I had this feeling that I couldn't describe and I haven't felt it in a very long time. Even if I didn't know what it was I didn't want it to go away.

I forced myself to focus on my breathing and after a couple of minutes it was back to normal, but I was still silently crying into his chest. The thought of Joey doing what he wanted with me and them not interfering was continuously going through my mind on an endless loop.

As if Ryder could hear my thoughts he pulled slightly away from me and gripped my chin gently but firmly and lifted my face up so that I was looking at him. As my brown eyes came into contact with his blue eyes they seemed to soften seeing my tear-stained face. He let go of my chin and wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"Hey, don't think about what could have happened, okay." I looked down at his chest and nodded. Looking down I noticed that my hands had fisted the front of his shirt without my knowledge but I didn't move them away.

Ryder had gripped my chin again lifting it up to look at him, "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you Bella, your safe with me," his voice was soft and nothing but honesty seemed to be laced through it.

I nodded not looking away from his blue orbs. He squeezed my chin gently lowering my head and his lips came down on my forehead in a soft gentle kiss, letting it linger there for a couple of seconds. My stomach felt different and I didn't know why but it brought a smile to my face none the less and it made me want to giggle, it just felt like it wasn't the right time to so, I just continued to smile.

Ryder pulled away from me leaning down making me wrap my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me into a hug where I'm on my tiptoes and my face was buried in his neck. It calmed my tense nerves making me feel completely calm and relaxed.

After a minute or two an awkward cough sounded throughout the hallway making Ryder tense. He let go of me, much to my disappointment and I reluctantly let go of his neck and wiped my eyes and cheeks.

I looked up at Ryder and saw him glaring at his friends. I was confused why would he be glaring at his friends? He must have felt my stare because he looked down at me and his face softened and his eyes became a lighter blue. I averted my gaze to the ground feeling a blush crawl up my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I looked up at Brian. He had worry written across his face along with Bobby and Ace.

I gave them a small smile, "yeah I'm o-okay, thank you," the boys smiled and nodded. I really did appreciate what they did for me, of course, I couldn't say it because my anxiety was starting up.

No one had ever helped me before which made me wonder why they did in the first place. I'm the nobody, the outcast why help me. Wait their reputation is going to change. No longer being that quiet but scary group, and even if they don't care about their reputations I'm going to ruin their lives.

I felt a hand on the small of my back making me jump. I turned to the person next to me and saw Ryder frowning down at me. I frowned up at him confused on why he was frowning.

Bobby chuckled making me tear my gaze from Ryder and look at him, "you were kinda in your own little world over there when we asked what class you had next," Bobby said.

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