Chapter 1

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High school. When you hear that you would probably think about education and a nice friendly place right? Well in my case that's all wrong.

My high school has social groups, you see you have the cheerleaders, the sports people, the theater people, nerds, and then you have the people that don't fit into any of the categories that have there own small little groups. Then there are the nobodies, that's where I come in.

I've always been a nobody since the beginning of high school and now I'm a junior. At first, I hated it, but now im used to it. nowadays I prefer to be by myself but I still long for that close friendship that everyone else seems to have. 

Of course, you have your usual bullies the cheerleaders and football players. They make everyone know that they run this school. If they think anyone has the possibility to outshine them they would do whatever it takes to stay on top. They spread rumors, embarrass people, even go as low as exposing secrets.

I was currently walking in the hallway with my head down as usual heading to fourth period. I was halfway there when I remembered that I forgot to grab my economics textbook this morning. The hallways had blue lockers lined against the walls with blue and white tiles on the floor, with students rushing to get to there next class.

I soon made it to the familiar hallway that had my locker and started to search for it when I stopped dead in my tracks. my locker was right down the hall where a group of people was standing. The group of people, however, happened to be the bad boys of the school. 

I hear a lot of rumors about these guys like they killed someone, caused a shoot out, set a house on fire, are part of a gang or run a gang and the biggest one of all they are the leaders of the mafia.

But I don't believe rumors. Rumors are just made to ruin peoples lives and views they have on other people. Yeah, some rumors might be true but if not it could ruin a person's life. 

Brian was nicer, he was like a brick wall tall and muscular, blond hair green eyes, all the girls talk about him, and overall want him. I've heard a lot of rumors that he owns a fighting club, but i don't actually believe it. 

next to Brian was Bobby. Bobby was more energetic out of the group. he has brown hair and brown eyes with slightly chubby cheeks and soft freckles covering his face. he is also one of the best soccer players in the school. 

Next to Bobby was Ace. he has brown hair and hazel eyes. he is known for being tough and intimidating. He is also well built. He is well known for playing in schools wrestling team and football team. but he is different. the only people he hangs out with are Brian, Bobby, and Ryder. 

Ryder was leaning up against the lockers. He is the leader of the group. he is very intimidating and has very bad anger issues. he has dark brown hair and blue eyes. he is known for getting in trouble almost every day. 

I knew I had no choice but to confront them so I took a deep breath and walked up to Brian and tapped his back since my 5ft frame couldn't reach his shoulder. He turned around and smiled down at me, and Bobby looked down at me with a smirk. 

"can we help you?" Brian asked with a smile. 

"Ummm You're kinda in the way of my locker," I said quietly. 

Ryder was currently leaning against the locker not even giving any sign that he is listening to what's going on. He still hadn't even looked my way making my stomach twist uneasy but to be honest, why would he look at me in the first place. A guy like Ryder would never like a girl like me.

"oh sorry about that," Brian said apologetically moving to the side so, I could get through.

I whispered a thank you as I went by and stood in front of my locker. Ryder was actually leaning against the locker next to mine and I saw out of the corner of my eye that he was looking down at the ground, but it wasn't just that, I could see his jaw clenched tight.

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