Chapter 29

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Right as we pulled up to my house there were already a bunch of cars lined up. as soon as Ryder parked uncle Leo was at my side helping me get out, "you okay kid?" he asked worried as he looked me over for any injuries.

"yeah I'm okay," I said causing him to raise an eyebrow at me as if he didn't believe my words, "just a little scared at the moment," and he nodded understanding, "let's get you inside," he said softly as if he was speaking to a child. 

"but the food-"

"I'll help Ryder, don't worry," he said ushering me towards my front door. I turned to Ryder who nodded at me as if saying its okay to go in and I gave him a soft smile, I headed towards the steps climbing them and opening my door. I stepped inside only to be greeted by Detective Johnson and Detective Brown who were sitting at my kitchen table with all of there computers and other things sprawled out on the table. 

"h-hi," I said nervously not feeling safe without uncle Leo or Ryder being with me. 

they looked up from there computers, "hi," "hello," they said.

"Can I get you guys anything to drink?" I asked nicely.

they both asked for water so I grabbed two and gave each of them one. just as I gave them the bottles the front door opened and in walked Brian, Bobby and Ace followed by Ryder and uncle Leo. 

"Hey sis," Bobby said pulling me into one of his brotherly hugs and kissed the top of my head, "Hey Bobby," I said with a small smile. 

"How ya been?" he asked pulling away from me, "I'm okay," I said with a slight smile, seeing as I just saw my kidnapper not even an hour ago.

"Hey girly," Brian said giving me a side hug and kissed the top of my head, "hi," I said as he pulled away. Ace came over with a couple of bags in his hands and placed them on the counter, he turned to me and hugged me and I hugged him back.

the guys ended up going into the living room and turned on the tv while uncle Leo and the detectives continued there work. Ryder and I started to put everything we bought away in the correct places and after half an hour we finished. both of us sat down on the couch, I was tucked into Ryder's side with his hand around my waist. 

"so what are our plans for today," Bobby asked after a short silence fell over us.

"well, Bella and I aren't going anywhere for the rest of the weekend,"

"what," Bobby said shocked looking like someone just told him the biggest secret in the world. Ryder took a deep breath and let it out. 

"what?" Ace asked

"Ryder's keeping Bella inside for the weekend,"

Ryder's grip on my waist tightened "if you were listening to what I said outside then you should know why, dumbass," Ryder whispered the last part under his breath, causing me to slightly elbow him in the ribs. his body didn't even react to the small movement I gave him and he looked down at me with a slightly raised eyebrow. 

Bobby frowned confused about what he was talking about but then his mouth formed into an o shape realizing why "why don't we have a sleepover again?" I asked happily. 

"no," "yes," Ryder said at the same time everyone else said yes. I frowned up at him confused about why he didn't want to have one. I mean we had one before and he didn't seem bothered by it.

Ryder gritted his teeth together and got up walking away from us, my frown deepened being completely confused on why he was acting like this, "don't worry about it girly," Brian said making me take my eyes off the stairs that Ryder had disappeared, "he just wants to be alone with you," I nodded understanding but what got me thinking was that me and him are alone all the time.

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