Chapter 41

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"Can you tell me what happened here?" Uncle Leo asked.

A Paramedic had looked me over. the result of my injures was bruised ribs, a split lip, and a bruised neck. The paramedic had also suggested that I get checked out at the hospital in case of internal bleeding but other than that some rest and ice would heal me right up. The minute the paramedics had left, Ryder had pulled me into his lap and hasn't let me go since. Even when they were looking me over he was close enough to comfort me or punch the paramedic.  

Now here we were. Sitting at my kitchen table onto of Ryder's lap with his hands resting on my thighs, wrapped in a blanket that brian had given me. Uncle Leo was sitting to the side of me with brian sitting across from him. 

"I was in the shower when I heard a loud noise. I got out and got dressed and grabbed the bat that I hid in there as a weapon. I had walked downstairs and someone was standing in the living room," I said 

"Did you get a good look at the person?" Uncle Leo asked. I shook my head. 

"I know the person was a male,"

"You fucking bitch" 

"What happened after you saw him?" Uncle Leo asked.

"I tried to hit him but he grabbed the bat and threw it away from me," I said, "I was able to hit him twice, once to his cheek and the other to his nose. I heard a crack when I hit his nose," I said 

Uncle Leo smiled at me, pride shining through his eyes, "What happened next?" 

"After he had thrown my bat I threw a punch at his face hitting just above his eye. after that he had kicked my stomach causing me to stumble and fall to the floor. He started kicking my stomach repeatedly. After a couple of kicks, he had climbed onto my waist and wrapped his hands around my neck. He started choking me and I couldn't breathe," Ryder's grip on me tightened.

"I felt like I was going to pass out and that's when I threw a punch right at his nose hearing a crack. He had let go of me and said I was an f-ing female dog. I think I made him angry after that because he started kicking me harder knocking the breath right out of me and then after a couple of hits he had walked out the back door," I said.

"Did you lock the back door?" Uncle Leo asked.

I tried to think back if I did or not, "She did. I checked before I left for work," Ryder said and Uncle Leo nodded.

"what's going to happen now?" Ryder asked. 

"Well we got Bella's statement, and I would like to take some images of the injuries she has to have them on file. My team is searching for fingerprints right now on the back door and we are taking a sample of the blood that was found in the living room," he said.

"What about protection?" Ryder asked.  

Uncle Leo shrugged, "there isn't much we can do besides have a cop stationed on this street for a bit. Just in case they come back," he said. 

"Did you get anything else about the guy, that could help us?" Uncle Leo asked.

I thought back to see if I saw anything, "his height," I said, "he was about a couple inches shorter than Brian. Maybe 5,11 or 6'1," I said. 

"Did you get skin color? Hair color?" Uncle Leo asked but I shook my head.

"No, but he had turned right out the back door. I didn't hear a car drive by until Ryder pulled into the driveway," I said 

"Okay," Uncle Leo said pulling an officer to the side, "Get some people to look on the sidewalks for anything and have someone put out a male with a possible broken nose and bruised or cut up cheek to emergency or hospital rooms in the area," He said and the officer nodded and left out the door ordering some people around. 

His EverythingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon