Chapter 9

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Waking up to a dark room let me know that it was now night time the only light being the street lights coming in through my window. It makes me wonder how long I had slept. 

I sat up rubbing my eyes. Placing my hands down on my lap I looked around my room once again noticing that Ryder wasn't here. I frowned as pain flared in my chest making me rub my fist against it trying to lessen the pain.

Waking up alone wasn't what I was expecting after what happened earlier.

I daydream a lot almost creating stories in my head. Recently its been about a boy who saves me and never leaves my side. I feel like I've been holding onto all of that and expecting my daydreams to come true, which isn't a good thing.

You see you think about something like wanting someone there for you, and then when someone is you expect everything making your expectations high. Having these high expectations arent good because you have this high hope of wanting it to come true when most of the time they never do.

Sighing I climbed out from under my covers and stretched. Feeling thirsty I walked over to my door and tried to open it to go downstairs to the kitchen. But when my hand tried to twist the nod pain shot up my arm making me pull my hand back from the knob and a yelp to escape my lips.

I looked down at my hand trying as hard as I could to see what was wrong through the dark, only to see something white wrapping around my knuckles. I frowned confused but then I remember how I punched my mirror.

I groaned. How am I going to explain this to my father when he comes back from his business trip?

I opened my door with my other hand and walked down the hall and down the stairs only for me to pause at the bottom of the steps. The tv was on with the volume low. I know that I never went downstairs and I didn't turn on the tv.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as nervousness and anxiety started to form in my stomach. I stepped down the last couple of steps and made my way over to the living room with shaking hands.

As the living rooms couch came into view I saw a body laying down asleep. I let out a breath of relief as I noticed it was Ryder.

Multiple questions ran through my head on why he was on my couch asleep, but I pushed that aside and walked over to my closet. I opened it up grabbing one of the blankets and then shut the door. I walked over to Ryder and draping the blanket over him. I made sure the blanket was secure over him and then stepped back.

I looked over at Ryder's face his lips were slightly parted as he breathed out of his mouth. His hair was slightly covering his eyes making me want to run my hands through it, but I held back. I took notice of how he looked so peaceful. My mouth twitched into a smile at that.

I stood there for a couple of seconds continuing to watch him peacefully sleep. Not in a creepy way but in an admiring way.

My hand reached out and moved his hair out of his eyes. His hair felt soft and it made me want to continue to run my fingers through it but I didn't want to freak him out so once I moved his hair away from his eyes I pulled my hand back smiling softly.

But that smile left quickly when I noticed his eyebrows were furrowed. My chest felt tight making me frown. I reached my fingers up and gently ran them over his eyebrows trying to get ride of the frown.

I stroked his eyebrows a couple of times and his face softened. He let out a content sigh and stirred a little and then his eyes opened. I froze as his blue eyes stared up at mine blinking lazily.

For some reason, I couldn't look away from his eyes. They were so captivating. It made me get lost in his eyes. My hand had slowly pulled away from his face as I continued to stare at him.

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