Chapter 27

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"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP," I groaned hearing Bobby scream. why can't he just shake us awake or something like a normal person? of course Bobby is Bobby he's going to wake people up in his unique way.

I sat up letting my eyes adjust to the light in the room. after a couple of minutes, I decided that it was a good time to get up. I got out of bed and stretched being careful of my back,  I walked out of the room coming face to face with a smiling Bobby, "good morning sunshine," he said, causing me to chuckle.

"good morning Bobby," I said with a smile.

"go-go, we have to go to school," he said shooing me off.

"wait where's Ryder?" I asked wondering where he was. Bobby's eyes widened, "Ummm Ryder left early to go see his grandparents," he said quickly, "now go," I ignored Bobby's quick comment and started to get ready. I threw on a hoodie and leggings and fixed my hair deciding to leave it down.

I got back downstairs where Bobby, Brian and Ace were sitting at the kitchen table eating. I sat down and had an apple seeing as I wasn't hungry, "come on Bella," Ace said as everyone got up. Bobby grabbed my bag as I threw away the core of the apple and we headed out to Brian's car.

The car ride to school was mostly quiet which confused me because usually, Bobby would be talking non stop, "Bobby are you okay?" I asked concerned.

Bobby turned to me with wide eyes, "umm yeah why do you ask?" he asked nervously scratching at the back of his neck, "your never this quiet in the morning," I pointed out slightly confused about his behavior.


"he's just worried about the test he has second-period Bella, don't worry," Ace explained. I guess that makes sense. 

"Ohh, you shouldn't be worried Bobby you'll do great," I said giving him my best smile. Bobby nodded and continued to look out the window, and it was silent the rest of the way to school. we soon arrived at school and we got out of the car. I stopped in my tracks as I saw Ryder stepping out of his truck.

I frowned confused on why he took his truck to school, and then my eyes widened. Ryder wanted to take me somewhere, Friday after school, and Friday is today. A big smile spread across my face, I couldn't wait to see where he was taking me.

I power walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist hugging him. his arms wrapped around my shoulders as he hugged me back. I buried my face into his chest and breathed in his sent that always calmed me down, "good morning Ryder," I said looking up at him, resting my chin on his chest.

he leaned down and kissed my forehead, "good morning baby," a smile spread across his face making me smile. I stared at his smile that always made butterflies appear in my stomach.

"okay love birds come on we have school," Brian said causing Ryder to glare at him. I chuckled and pulled slightly away from him only for his arm that was wrapped around my shoulder to pull me into his side. Ryder grabbed my bag off of Bobby and we walked into the school and went straight to our lockers.

I grabbed my books and Bobby came back to my locker grabbing my bag from Ryder. Ryder kissed my forehead just as the bell rang and we separated to go to our classes. Bobby and I got to art and continued what we were doing yesterday, Bobby was trying to draw this fish-like creature and I continued with my lion.

the bell rang faster than I thought, I quickly packed up and Bobby took me to chemistry. we had our test today, everything was pretty easy for me except the short answer questions, I was stuck on those for a very long time I thought I wasn't going to be able to finish the test. I was able to finish the test with 5 minutes to spare.

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