Chapter 25

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Happy Holidays!!!!!

(3783 words) 

"They're so cute,"

"There goals, bae goals, relationship goals, everything bagel goals, their goals!" Bobby yelled causing me to stir.

"Shh, quiet you, idiot," Ace said.

"Well someones gotta wake them up or we are going to be late for school," Brian said.

I opened my eyes wide and tried to get up, I didn't want to be late for school but a heavy arm around my waist kept me from doing that. Ryder and I must have moved in our sleep because I was resting on my side with my back to the couch while Ryder's face was in my neck and his arm around my waist.

I tried to wiggle my way out of his hold but he only tightened his grip on me. I stopped moving and looked up at Ace, Brian, and Bobby, "a little help here," I spoke causing them to laugh.

"Bro," Brian said shaking Ryder, he groaned and dug his face more into my neck, "Bobby ate your food," he said but Ryder didn't say anything and he didn't move either.

"Really that's the best you can come up with," Bobby said.

"Well you got a better idea," Brian's said sarcastically.

Bobby frowned for a second and then a smirk spread across his face, "watch and learn my friends," Bobby said cracking his knuckles.

"Ryder," he said shaking him a little bit causing him to groan, "Bella's crying," I've never seen Ryder move so fast in his life. He sat up so fast and looked down at me with worry clear in his eyes. When he saw that I was okay he turned to the guys watching as they were rolling around on the floor laughing hysterically.

"I got that on video," Ace said trying to catch his breath.

Ryder groaned and turned to me, "good morning baby," he said kissing my forehead. I blushed, "good morning," I said standing up. Ryder wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his lap, "Ryder were gonna be late," I said rubbing my hand on his arms. He kissed my cheek and let me go.

I rushed upstairs getting ready in record time of eight minutes and ran back down stairs watching as everyone was eating breakfast. I packed my stuff into my bag and placed it by the door, "Bella come here and eat," Ryder said. I walked over to him and sat down in the chair next to him. He placed a bowl down in front of me and I started eating.

"We aren't going to make it in time for first period, but we will for second period," Brian said and I nodded. We all finished eating and then we headed out to Brian's car. When we got to school there was five minutes before the bell rang so we rushed to our lockers and grabbed our stuff, "are you coming with us to the gym after school?" Ace asked.

I shrugged, "I'm not sure I'll text Michael and see what he says," I said closing my locker. Ryder gripped my hand as we started to walk to our second-period classes.

"I'll see you at lunch baby," Ryder said kissing my forehead, I smiled at him and kissed his cheek quickly catching up with brian. Before we rounded the corner I turned back and noticed ryder standing right where I left him. He was watching me leave I send him a big smile and he chuckled shaking his head.

The next couple of classes were stressful. In Chemistry I had my teacher look over my work and found everything correct, he even gave me another packet to do that was twice the size of the last one. In English we got another packet and we have to read up to chapter 10, which is due tomorrow. I had forgotten to do my economics homework last night so now I have double the work to do tonight.

Economics just ended and Bobby and I were walking to the cafeteria for lunch when I remembered that I had history and math homework, "Hey Bobby I gotta stop at my locker to pick up some homework real quick I'll meet you in the cafeteria," I said turning around not waiting for an answer.

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