Chapter 6

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Bobby's Pov

Walking into Brian's house where we usually hang out in the living room Brian and Ace were in an intense game of fortnight while Ryder was sitting on the couch staring at his blank phone screen.

I leaned against the wall right as you enter the room, "you wanna tell me what happened today," I said rather annoyed. I know what happened but I wanna know his side of the story.

"The fuck you mean?" Ryder asked taking his eyes off of his phone and onto me, he was pissed that's for sure, but I didn't know who his anger was towards.

"What happened with Molly and Bella this morning?" I asked rather calmly, I knew that Ryder was like a volcano. Everyone knew not to anger him and I never really do but he messed with Bella at least that's what I got from her side of the story.

Ryder's hands turned into fists and he was glaring daggers at me, "how the fuck do you know about that?" Ryder asked angrily.

"First answer my question," I said glaring back at Ryder which threw him off, I'm never the type to get angry, they have only experienced my anger 2 times during our friendship, and let me say those experiences weren't pleasant.

Ryder shook it off, "nothing happened," he said looking back at his phone.

I chuckled darkly, "that's funny because I found Bella in the library with a busted lip and when I asked her what happened she asked me why I cared so tell me what happened?" I said trying to remain calm.

"I told you nothing happened" Ryder hissed out.

"Okay then I guess you and Molly have been seen together is nothing right?" this got the attention of the other guys.

"What is he talking about Ryder?" Brian asked confused,

Ryder looked over at Brian with his hands in fists, " nothing happened," he hissed out.

"It's something Ryder Bella saw you walk out of the janitors closet with Molly," I said.

The guys looked at him angrily, "dude are you serious, the girls been hurting Bella," Ace spoke out gripping the controller.

"You don't think I know that," Ryder said standing up.

"Not if your fucking her," Ace said getting all up in Ryders face making me and Brian jump between them.

"I'm not fucking her," Ryder yelled as Brian tried to hold him back and I tried to hold back Ace.

"Then what were you doing huh," Ace yelled back.

Ryder led out an angered scream and pushed Brian away from him making him stumble a bit. I thought he was going to charge at Ace but he just sat on the couch breathing heavily, "Molly pulled me into the fucking closet wanting no demanding that I tell her why I talk to a girl like Bella and not her," he says.

"She wouldn't stop so, I just left and that's when Bella was walking past. Of course, Molly had to say stuff and I didn't correct her," Ryder said burying his face in his hands.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked as nice as I could.

"I..." he sighed running a hand through his hair, "if she's friends with us it will only result in her getting hurt," I somewhat understood now. Ryder just doesn't want Bella to get hurt, but what he doesn't know is that she already is.

I sighed, "you should talk to her then, clear this up," Ryder turned to me glaring daggers. He was about to argue but I continued before he could start. "You don't know what's going through her head Ryder you need to tell her something she already thinks little of herself," I said only speaking the truth.

Ryder stood up immediately, "what," he yelled.

"She said and I quote "I know I'm an embarrassment and he didn't want to be seen with me I mean come on who wouldn't im weak, ugly, fat," I said. Ryder had sat down while I was talking and was now running his hand through his hair pulling at the ends of them.

"L.. ill think of something just don't go near her," he said angrily as if he didn't like his response.

"So whos suppose to make sure she doesn't get bullied?" Ace asked.

"Watch her from afar," he said and judging by his tone he was done with this conversation.

After a couple of seconds Ace took out his phone and then looked over at me, "we gotta go," he said.

And so we said goodbye. We had left the house but I wanted to go back and talk to Ryder about something so here I am walking back into the house.

Before I could walk into the living room I heard them talking.

"I know you care about her-"

"I shouldn't," he snapped.

"You're allowed to. You are allowed to care about someone," Brian said

"It doesn't matter, ill only hurt her,"

"You would never hurt her. You wouldn't even let any of us your friends go near her when those assholes were all over her. You were the one that protected her. She needs you,"

"she deserves so much better, she needs someone better than me. I can't drag her into my shit Bobby," Ryder said.

"You would never let anything happen to her, I know you wouldn't. Yesterday even proved that" Bobby said.

I decided to leave then. I got more answers, Ryder does care, he just doesn't want to hurt her. I know he likes her, yesterday only proved that when he decided to stick up for her. Protect her.

He has never talked to anyone nor has he talked to a girl for that matter. So we were all surprised when he stuck up for her. But we also knew that Ryder had started to like someone. Shocked to be honest when we found that same girl to be shy, quiet, and lonely.

I just hope that Ryder fixes everything, she's the best thing that ever walked into his life and id be pretty pissed if he just let her go. Id understand if he did let her go. He's just trying to protect her by pushing her away.

I Know. We know he would protect her with his life and is the only one for Bella. I hope he figures that out sooner rather than later.

Bellas pov

I stood outside my back door window watching as little yellow balls of light danced across my backyard.

Fireflies. They were magic almost, only lighting up the world at dark. Letting the light shine through the darkest of places.

I opened my back door and stepped out making sure it was unlocked so I don't get locked out. My bare feet touched the soft grass making me smile. I wiggle my toes around feeling the earth under my feet.

I looked up in the dark and watch the little bugs of light dance around making my smile widen. I went up to one and caught it in my hand.

Fireflies lit up the darkness. These little bugs always gave me hope for some strange reason. These were the little things I held onto.

You see during the day they are well normal just regular bugs but then at night there lighting it up. It's as if they're showing who they are on the inside.

It shows how our physical appearance is one thing but then our internal selves like our souls are another, it makes us shine inside. I don't know about others but that's something I like to hold onto.

So for the first time in a while, I pushed all my worries about tomorrow and the stress of today and just enjoyed the moment. I just hoped id have more moments like these. Peaceful and relaxing.

End of Chapter 6

I decided to change up this chapter, I hope you liked it

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