Chapter 13

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"Come on Bella we gotta go food shopping," Ryder said trying to cox me out of my safe and warm bed. I groaned but sat up anyway rubbing my eyes.

When we left grandma's house we ended up going to Brian's for a movie and came home around 2:30 in the morning. I wasn't going to complain though. It was fun hanging out with the guys.

Looking over at the clock it read 9:30. I turned to Ryder and send him a playful glare. It was way too early to be going grocery shopping in my opinion. I knew that I had all day free so I wasn't in any rush but it seemed like Ryder was.

He was already wide awake and dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie. Which wasn't his usually bad boy clothing. Ryder chuckled, "don't give me that look, Bella. Come on get up," he said grabbing my hands and pulling me up. I groaned but allowed him to pull me up anyway.

"Now hop in the shower, let's go we don't have all day," Ryder said pushing me gently towards my closet. I quickly grabbed my clothes which were a sweatshirt and leggings and walked over to the bathroom, "go-go hurry up," Ryder said making me chuckle.

I quickly got into the shower and got out in record time of 10 minutes, throwing on my clothes, brushing my teeth, and fixing my hair. When I walked back into my room Ryder was laying on my bed watching football.

"Come on let's go," I said grabbing my wallet, and phone. He chuckled making me smile. He stood up and turned off the tv and I quickly made my bed.

"How are we going to get to the supermarket?" I asked as we walked down the stairs. Once we reached the bottom Ryder turned around and held up some keys including a car key, "were taking my car," he said.

I was shocked I didn't know Ryder has a car much less his drivers license. When we walked out of my house Ryder guided me over to his car or should I say truck. He opened the door for me but I just looked at it. I was short and I had no idea how to get up there. Ryder must have seen my face because he chuckled.

"Give me your hand Bella, I'll help you up," I slip my hand into his and stepped onto the little stepping thing that's on the side of the truck. As I went to take another step my foot slipped and my head would have hit the car if it wasn't for Ryder's arm that had quickly wrapped around my waist and pulled me into his back.

"Are you okay Bella?" he asked placing me back down on the ground with his arm still around my waist. My hand was still gripping his and my arm was now on top of his that is around my waist. I felt slightly trembling, and I was breathing slightly faster. I knew that it scared me for sure.

"Bella hey it's okay your okay," he said as he turned me around and cupped my cheeks making me look at him. He was looking into my eyes as he spoke sweet nothings to calm me down. After a while, my hands stopped trembling and my breathing was normal.

Ryder gripped my waist gently, "I'm gonna lift you okay," I nodded and Ryder lifted me and placed me on the seat. I buckled the seat belt, "thank you," I said looking over at him and he sends me a small smile and nodded, "no problem Bella," he closed the door and then jogged over to his side and got in.

Once Ryder started to drive he put on the radio and high hope was playing. At first, I was humming to the song but then I started to sing aloud to it and then Ryder joined in. for the rest of the car ride, we jammed out to the songs.

When we got to the supermarket Ryder grabbed the cart and we were now going down the aisles looking for groceries.

"What's your favorite color," I turned around looking at Ryder only to find him already looking at me. I was shocked not really expecting the question but answered anyway, "blue," I said grabbing pancake mix, "what kind of blue?"

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