Chapter 43

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(4104 words) 

It's been a couple of days since I visited my mom. It's also been a couple of days since I've made up with Michael and told Ryder about it. Ryder was really not okay with it. He cursed, a lot actually. I know I made him promise not to get mad but I can understand why he was. 

Michael not only didn't believe me but he had also called me very hurtful words. Words that I had told Ryder about that hurt me. if anything Ryder thought the last person that would hurt me would be Michael seeing as he knew everything about me. 

After Ryder had slowly calmed down, he had turned to me. I was laying on the bed doing some homework. he had walked over to me and laid down moving my homework out of the way getting comfortable on my chest. I chuckled kissing his head and got back to my homework.

"I don't like the prick, but if your happy," he said resting his chin on my chest looking up at me, "I'll try to stand the jackass, for your sake," he said. 

This morning I had woken up to someone kissing me all over my face. I giggled trying to get away from them but he held me in place, "Ryder stop," I giggled out. 

Ryder chuckled,  "Morning beautiful," he said leaning down placing a kiss on my lips. his lip taste of mint. I frowned and he frowned at me.

"What's wrong?" he asked. 

"Morning breath," I mumbled pulling away from him. 

Ryder scuffed, "Like I care," he said pulling me back for another kiss. I giggled and pulled away from him getting ready for the day. 

We quickly got ready and had a small breakfast before we left. Once we got to school we headed inside and towards my locker where everyone was waiting. 

"Are you guys excited for thanksgiving break?" Ace asked.

"Hell yeah food, and turkey andddd food," Bobby said causing me to giggle.

"Food and turkey are the same things," Brian said.

"No there not," Bobby argued back, "Food is food and a turkey is an animal,"

"Yes an animal that we eat so food," Brian said. I shook my head and opened my locker only to have pieces of paper fall out onto the floor. Ryder straight away moved me away from the paper's but it was too late. I had a handful of them in my hand. That's when I noticed the photographs mixed in. 

My heart dropped the moment my eyes landed on the photograph. It was a picture of me, one that I remember vividly. 

Warning (might be disturbing for some readers)

 I don't know how long I have been stuck down here. I have become accustomed to the eerie silence, along with the darkness of the room. However, the dark still terrifies me to an extent. Sometimes He watches me in the dark, and strikes when I least expect him to. 

The sound of pounding footsteps silences my thoughts. I don't move from where I am knowing if I try to make myself smaller would only make it worse. I feel my chest tighten out of fear of what they, especially him have planned for me. 

The sound of the door opening causes me to grow stiff. the light that shines into the room causes my eyes to burn. I want to look away from the blinding light but I already know the punishment for that. 

I heard chuckling. Two different familiar voices fill the room as I shake in fear. I heard their footsteps growing closer to me. I begged myself to move but I was frozen in fear. the sound of the cage-like cell opening causes my breathing to increase.

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