Chapter 45

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Bella's pov

Ryder stood looking out the window in the kitchen. I could tell right away he was tense. As I moved closer to him I noticed the harsh glare he was giving the tree. I walked over to him and wrapped my hands around his arm. 

He looked down at me his once harsh glare softening. I let go of his arm as he wrapped it around me, bringing me closer to his chest, "you were glaring," I stated.

"What's wrong?" I asked placing my hand on his chest. He stared down at me for a second then sighed. 

"I have to visit my dad today," I nodded. I could tell Ryder wasn't looking forward to it. He hasn't seen his father since he got locked up.  He refused to go when he was younger, and it's the same even now, but he wants to do this for his grandma. A part of me believes he wants to face his father though. To show his father that he doesn't have a hold on him anymore, or maybe he is trying to prove it to himself. 

He looked down at me, "Do you want me to come with you?" I asked wanting to be there to comfort him.

He shook his head straight away, "Fuck no I don't want you anywhere near that place, let alone be in the same room as that man," I nodded in understanding. 

A car horn went off pulling our attention outside, "That's Brian," he said letting me go and grabbing my hand. 

We walked hand in hand outside. I waved at Brian who was waiting for him in his car. 

I looked back at Ryder who was looking at me with concern. 

"Everything will be okay Ryder," I said reaching up and kissing his lips.

"I know I'm just worried," Ryder said cupping my cheeks.

I smiled up at him, "There's nothing to be worried about. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying locked up in this house, so don't worry too much," I said trying to ease his mind. He let go of my face wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I don't care if you're locked up in the house. What worries me is that you're going to be alone," he said pulling me closer to him. I snuggled into his embrace resting my chin on his chest and looking up at him not really sure how to help ease his worries. 

"I'll be back in two hours, three max, okay?" I nodded.

"Don't open the door for anyone, and make sure the front and back doors are locked okay?"

"Okay," I said agreeing. 

He continued to stare at me his face conflicted. He really didn't want to leave me alone. 

"Promise me," he said. His words are laced with many different meanings. He wants me to promise him that I will be safe. That I won't leave the house, that I won't open the door for anyone, that I won't somehow choke on a grape and die without him here. Most of all, he wants me to promise him to be waiting for him unharmed when he got back. 

I smiled softly at him and stared into his eyes "I promise," he took a deep breath and let it out nodding. He seemed to relax at my words. It made me happy to know that I could give him some comfort before he had to leave. 

"Don't worry about me, just hurry home," I said he nodded and kissed my lips. He pulled away from me and I headed into the house.

"Make sure to lock the door," he said. Right before it closed my eyes clashed with his, and I paused. I smiled at him to show I would be okay. 

"If there is anything wrong call my uncle okay?" he said and I nodded, "Of course," I smiled. He smiled back and I closed the door locking it right after it closed. My stomach suddenly felt off, like something bad was going to happen. I pushed it off thinking that it was only my nerves with being alone for the first time in a while.

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