Chapter 23

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I love you guys so much and I'm glad you're enjoying my book. 

(3171 words) 

"Bella wake up," I heard making me stir. I blinked a couple of times trying to get used to the light that's shining in through the curtains. I sat up looking around, Ryder stood next to the bed looking down at me with a soft smile.

"Come on Bella we have half an hour to get ready for school," I groaned and lay back down curling back into the warm covers. All of a sudden the covers were pulled off of me making me squeal, Ryder lifted me up and then placed me down on my feet. I glared at him, he chuckled and cupped my face kissing my forehead, "go get ready baby," he said walking out of the room.

I smiled liking the little affection I got from Ryder and went to get ready. After 15 minutes I was dressed in a sweatshirt and leggings and my hair was in a ponytail. Ryder sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in hand, I sat down next to him and he passed me a bowl of cereal. I smiled at him and I quickly ate. I finished in 5 minutes and then a car horn sounded from outside.

"Come on Bella," Ryder said grabbing his bag with mine in his hand. I put my bag on and grabbed my keys and phone and we left the house. Brian, Ace, and Bobby were waiting outside for us.

"Hurry up doll it's freezing," Brian said out the car window, I chuckled and ran ahead only to slip, I readied myself for the fall but arms wrapped around my waist keeping me from falling, "whoa Bella," Ryder said steadying me.

"I'm okay," I said with a smile on my face he chuckled and let go of my waist and intertwined our fingers, "that is why you don't run," he said pulling me along to the car. I chuckled as he opened the door. I got in sitting next to Bobby.

"Hey sis," he said I smiled back and said hi to him and everyone else. Were soon driving off to school. During the car ride, Bobby was telling me about this guy that took the last bag of chips he wanted at the store. He was so angry that he wanted to sue. However, he did not because he wanted to be a good example for others.

When we pulled into school we all filled out of the car. Ryder latched onto my hand and started to pull me to school. When we got inside everyone's attention was on us. I could feel my nerves start-up causing me to grip onto Ryder's hand tighter. He understood what was going on and stopped walking.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" he yelled causing everyone to look away in fear. I squeezed his hand causing him to look down at me. I gave him a soft smile and he nodded and we continued walking. We got to my locker and I grabbed my books for half of the day.

"We had our schedules changed," Brian said making me look over at him, "you have one of us in each of your classes now,"

I frowned and opened my mouth to say something but Bobby beat me to it, "we wanted to Bella," I hesitantly nodded. If they wanted to change their schedules for me then they can because it's their choice. They chose to change it. That calmed my nerves knowing that they had a choice to change their schedules, knowing that it wasn't just because of me.

The next couple of classes were fun, Bobby was in my first Art he had accidentally spilled a bunch of paint on the floor. Mrs. Ryan the art teacher had asked him to clean it up but he refused, saying that the masterpiece on the floor was his work. She had laughed and taken a picture saying it was wonderful but needed it to be cleaned.

Of course, he didn't want to but started to clean up. I helped as well seeing as we only had a couple of minutes left. Halfway through bobby and tapped my nose with red paint and was rolling around the floor saying I looked like Rudolf. He had even gotten a picture.

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