Anybody and everybody x Reader: In the Absence of Quality-Control

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(The song above is not sfw...though it is funny. Just so y'all are warned :P)

Hey guys! 

I thought It'd be really funny to write a super, super over dramatic one-shot. Like, those one-shots where everything escalates so incredibly quickly that it makes you wonder what the author was thinking while writing it. 

Y'know, the ones I'm talking about. The stories that go from you first meeting them, to a lemon, in like, three paragraphs.

You've all read a story like that at some point. (If you haven't, you must not have been on Wattpad very long...)

They're hard to read, (usually due to bad spelling/grammar)
and usually STRICTLY about
(Y/n) and the character of choice. No other characters are important. Ever.
Also! The character of choice usually has NO personality whatsoever, and his only definable trait is that he is desperately in love with (Y/n), because... reasons. *Ahem*
(Y/n) usually takes EVERYTHING too seriously, somehow gets hurt or offended by (insert character of choice), (Y/n) runs away sobbing, (Character of choice) runs after her, and then they make up and make out, etc., etc.

So yeah, this chapter is just for laughs. I wanted to have some fun.

This story will be the most romantic, over-dramatic,
cliche-y story you will hopefully ever read.
(Again, this chapter is just for laughs. Don't take its seriously guys.)

So please, pull up a chair and let's get started!

(Y/n) is your name (obviously)

(C/n) is your character of choice's name. It can be anyone. Any boy ever: Dark Pit, Goku, Deku, Mickey Mouse, Superman, Luke Skywalker, Justin Timberlake, literally whoever.
They will have no personality whatsoever, because the "author" doesn't actually know anything about that character, so read as anyone you'd like... Assuming you can still read it after it goes through my bad-fanfic filter (patent-pending) to make sure all the grammers are on it's baddest. 😂

(I'll be adding any author's notes in parentheses by the way.)


(Ironically, my editor wrote most of this, as it was his idea. Yes, the guy who makes sure the content looks good is the one who wanted to purposely screw it up. Anyway, if you've got any complaints, direct them towards him.)

*Editor's note: Any and all complaints directed at me shall be laughed at and ignored.*

It a bright sunny morning, and you excitedly heading to the mansion that you had won ticket to go live in.

(Yep, that's right.
You: a regular old overworked waitress got a letter in the mail the previous morning, saying that you won the raffle the town was having [that you didn't even know your entered...] and now got to live in the brand new room in the esteemed mansion for free. And also forever. Apparently.

Most people would look at all this and go, "Hmm. Yeah. That's not safe. You're totally being scammed. Please don't go."
But you weren't being scammed. You just happened to be the luckiest person in the whole world. You were also good at literally everything. [Unless it was convenient that you not be, so that a cute guy could save you.])

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