Richter x Artist Reader: The Perfect Picture

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Hello! This is a:
Richter x Artist Reader requested by zodiac-princess1043
I don't know much about Richter, but I tried my very best. (Sorry in advance if he's a little Ooc)
Alrighty! Enjoy~
WAIT! One more thing! Try not to imagine Richter as an 80's superhero like He-Man, or it will be impossible to take this story seriously! Lol. Good luck reading it normally now...

The sun shown brightly through your window, illuminating the unfinished picture on your easel.
You sat in motionless silence, just staring at it. It was missing something. You knew that.
"But what?" You asked yourself frustratedly.

You had already painted a beautiful forest background with a pink and purple sunset, shining dimly through the branches of the trees.
You just needed a main subject. Something to go right in the middle of the painting... Something that grabbed peoples' attention as soon as they saw it.

You frowned, glancing up at the digital clock that hung over your bed.

12:43 pm

You stood up and sighed, walking to the small sink in your kitchen to clean your brushes. You rinsed each one, setting them down on a towel to dry.
Wow. You glanced around your room, looking at the various art supplies scattered about. "What a mess." You sighed...

You drummed your fingers on the counter, trying to come up with something, anything.
You needed to find inspiration... And what better place to find it than outside?

"I guess that's where I'm going." You mumbled to yourself, grabbing your sketchbook and pencil from the counter where they always sat. You sharpened the pencil before sticking it behind your ear.

You gripped your sketchbook tightly, quickly opening your door and slipping out. You started cautiously making your way through the halls of the smash mansion, trying to avoid any unnecessary conversation so you could get outside unnoticed.

It's not that you minded people, some friendly small talk here and there could really brighten your mood, it's just that you needed to get this portrait done. You wanted to enter it in the art competition the Smashers were holding this year, and the deadline to send in your work was in one week.

"Oh! Hey (Y/n)!" A voice called from behind you, causing you to jump.
You shook your head back and forth to wake you from your little daze, glancing over your shoulder to see who had called you.

There stood your best friend Richter. "Oh. Hello." You waved at him.
"Wait up!" He laughed, running to where you were standing, and wrapping his strong arms around you in a tight hug.

"I haven't seen you in forever! Where have you been hiding?" He asked.
"You get so caught up in your art sometimes, you forget you have friends that like to know you're alive."

"R-Richter- C-can't-breathe.." You coughed, squirming around and trying to get more oxygen.
"Oh. Sorry!" He laughed, pulling away from his bone crushing hug and scratching the back of his neck.

"And also, it's only been like, two days since you've seen me." You smiled up at him, your cheeks glowing a faint pink.
"I didn't forget I had friends." You stuck your tongue out at him, punching his arm playfully.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I was just messing with you." He grinned, booping your nose with his finger.
"So what have you been working on lately?" He asked, walking with you down the hall and into the elevator.

"Oh!" Your eyes lit up. "I'm in the middle of working on a painting I'm going to enter into the Smash Art competition! I really hope I win this year, because my painting came in second last year... Who knew Peach could paint, right? I want to redeem myself this year for it and-"

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