Heroes x Reader Love Pentagon: My Hero (Part 2)

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Apparently a lot of you guys liked this, and a part 2 was requested by a lot of y'all. I don't know how, or why, but alrighty. Sorry it took forever to come out. I'm the biggest procrastinator you'll probably ever meet. 

Ever since your ice cream "date" with the Heroes, the rivalry between them had only grown stronger. Don't get me wrong, they had definitely tried outdoing each other to impress you before, but the extents they were starting to go to were insane. They'd take any chance they could to show off, or to humiliate each other in front of you. And you didn't like it one bit. (But I guess you actually did, since, you know, you're fulfilling a secret power-fantasy where boys fall all over themselves for you. You'd probably feel insulted and disrespected if even one of the heroes didn't seem interested in you. Just saying....)


You'd first noticed this happening when Eight picked you a flower one day. Within an hour, the other three heroes had all come to your door equipped with full bouquets of red roses. This wasn't an isolated incident either. Solo breaks you off a piece of his Kit-Kat bar? Eight must one-up him by offering you a king-size Snickers bar. Arusu sees this and promptly brings you an entire box of chocolates. Not wanting to be left behind, Eleven deftly secures for you a small cake from a nearby bakery. On and on the cycle goes. 

It got to the point where you could hardly stand being around any of them. Their constant bickering was just too frustrating. You knew you'd have to actually confront them about it if you wanted anything to change, but the thought of doing that made your stomach churn. You cared for all of them, of course! But there was only one Hero for you. Him. The one that made you smile easier than anyone ever had. The one who occupied your every thought. The one, you knew, you truly loved. 

But how were you supposed to tell him without losing the other ones as friends? There was no easy way to do it. You really didn't want to hurt anyone...but leading them all on, and never admitting your true feelings? That would only make everything worse, and hurt everyone more. 

So, eventually you made up your mind. One afternoon, you asked them all to meet you under the oak tree outside Smash mansion to talk. Of course, you thought it best if you didn't mention that the others would also be there when you invited them separately. You didn't need anyone (*cough* Arusu *cough*) being stubborn, and not showing. It was only fair if they were all there. They all deserved an explanation, after all.  

Eight was already there when you arrived, sitting cross-legged underneath the tree. A smile formed on your face as you plopped down next to him. 

"Oh! Hey, (Y/n)!" he beamed at you, giving you a side-hug. "You wanted to see me? What's up? Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine." you assured him, your smile fading. "I...actually need to talk to everyone." 

"Um..." Eight looked puzzled. "Wait...you don't mean-" he was cut off.

"(Y/n), why is he here?" Arusu asked, crossing his arms and glaring at Eleven. He had just arrived, and didn't look to happy. 

"Sit down." you motioned, patting the ground next to you. He reluctantly plopped himself down beside you. "What's going on here?" he demanded.

"I'll explain in a minute." you bit your lip, trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach. You couldn't get nervous now. 

Eight stuck out his tongue at Arusu and pulled Munchie out of his pocket, playing with him to help pass the time.  

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