Heroes x Reader Love Pentagon: My Hero

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Hey guys, this chapter was requested by nessthetic.
I don't know that much about these guys, so I'm sorry in advance if they seem a little out of character. I really tried.
And also, 1k reads?!?!?
Wow! Thank you all so much!
Without further ado, on to the story!

It was a bright, sunny afternoon (like most afternoons in these stories) and you were taking a walk around the Smash gardens, trying to clear your head. (Because that situation isn't a bit of a cliché for my works)
Sure, being invited to the Smash mansion was one of the best things that'd ever happened to you, but it also took up a lot of your time.
Always training, battling, working...
It didn't leave much time for you to just relax.
Which is exactly why you had taken the day off.

You smiled, closing your eyes and sitting underneath a tall oak tree.
The shade felt so nice...

"Heya (Y/n)!"
You opened one eye to see Eight running over towards you, as Munchie (his pet mouse) squeaked, bouncing around in his pocket.

"It's such a nice day out. I could get used to this type of weather, y'know?" he asked, plopping down beside you, scooting in closer and poking your cheek.
"Mmmhhm." you agreed lazily, a smile tugging at your mouth. Eight could always make you smile.
"I don't suppose you want to go get ice cream with me?" he asked hopefully, looking down at his shoes as a faint glow dusted his cheeks.
"Sure." you shrugged, watching as he hopped up from the ground.
"Awesome! C'mon let's go!" he grinned, punching the air in excitement.

How does he have that much energy?

"I... can't get up." you laughed, trying to use your arms to push yourself up, before falling back down to the ground helplessly. It's not your fault that this particularly comfortable spot seemed to have increased gravitational pull.
"Really now?" Eight stuck his tongue out at you, bending down and offering you his hand.
"I'll pull you up."

You smiled at how sweet he was, grabbing his hand and letting him pull you to your feet.
As you started walking, you realized that he hadn't let go of your hand, and was instead holding it in his own as he walked.
Sly dog.
You smirked.

"What are you doing?" Arsus asked in disgust.
You glanced up at the sudden voice, quickly dropping your gaze to you hand and blushing. You pulled away, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Just, going to get ice cream." you laughed nervously.
"Ummm. Wanna come?" you asked, completely foiling Eight's plans. (He had made an adorable move and everything, all for you to mess it up. You monster. I can't even look at you...)

Eight frowned, clearly disappointed you let go of his hand.
"Nah, I don't think Arusu likes ice cream." he laughed, trying to pull you away.

"Says who?" Arusu huffed, walking quickly to catch up with you.
"I'll go. I mean, only cuz it's super hot outside." he huffed, glaring at Eight and frowning.
He knew exactly what Eight was trying to do.
"Nice try pal." Arusu whispered, raising an eyebrow as Eight pouted.
"Closer then you've ever gotten." Eight retorted, sticking his tongue out.

You were walking ahead of the two of them, completely ignoring their little dispute. They fought all the time.
"Like siblings." you laughed to yourself, glancing back at the two of them and grinning.

They both stopped arguing, a blush forming on their faces as they noticed you looking at them.
Both of their stomachs had decided to become Olympic gymnasts, flipping and tumbling at breakneck speeds.
You're really something special (Y/n).

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