Pit x reader: Learning to read

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Hey guys! Today we have a Pit x Reader, requested by... me! Yeah! Let's hear it for me! Round of applause everybody! (Cricket noises) *Ahem. Anyway, I just wanted to write something cute for my favorite smash boi. Enjoy~

I'm not usually bored, but today was an exception. It was pouring rain outside, Pitoo didn't want to do anything with me, and it was an off day for the Smashers, which meant no battles.

"Man this sucks. I hate being bored."
I huffed, flopping over onto my bed. "Woe is me~" I sighed dramatically. I gave it a minute before picking up my head see if anyone heard me.
Pitoo was sitting on a beanbag on the other side of the room playing his DS. I
know for a fact he could hear me.

"Ahem- I said, woe is me!"

Dark pit rolled his eyes. "Good for you." he stated, "Now shut up. I'm busy."
He immediately went back to ignoring me, and turned his focus back to his game.

I sighed at his reaction. Why did Pitoo always have to be so... Pitooey? Sometimes I wish I looked into a mirror of cuteness, or something, instead of a mirror of darkness.
Then instead of having Dark Pit, I could have like, Kawaii Pit!
Imagine how cute that would be!
I could give him piggy-back- rides, and play ball with him, just like he was my little brother! And maybe he'd be like a little lady magnet. I mean, Link has Toon Link, and look how popular he is with the ladies.

I shook my head back and forth rapidly to wake myself up from my little daydream.

I walked over next to where Pitoo was sitting and plopped down next to him. "Whatcha doin?"

"I'm playing our game." he said, scooting away.

"Oh!" I brightened up. "What level are you on?" I asked excitedly, looking over his shoulder.

"Level one." he responded, smirking evilly.

"You can't even make it past level one?" I laughed. "Do you need some help?"

"Nope." he grinned at me, narrowing his eyes.

I was super confused- until I realized what he was doing...

He was running me straight into enemies, and watching me die!

"Hey!" I said frustratedly. "You could have easily killed him."

"I know." Dark Pit smiled with satisfaction, "I'm trying to see what the most painful and embarrassing ways to kill you are."

"That is so rude." I said, crossing my arms. "In fact, I'm gonna go tell Lady Palutena."

"Fine. Do it then. Go tell mama Pauly. What do I care?" Dark Pit muttered, still very focused on his game.

"Lady Palutena!!!" I called, walking out of my room, and down the hall. "Lady Paletena?" I knocked on her door.

"Come in Pit." I heard her sigh from the other side. I twisted the door handle and walked in, running over to where she was sitting at her desk. "Lady Palutena, Pitoo is playing our game and purposely trying to kill me."
I complained.

"Pit, stop whining please." she said, rubbing her temples.

"B-but! Lady Palutena!"

"Pit, I don't have the time or the energy to make Dark Pit stop. You're just going to have to ignore him for the time being." Palutena waved her hand at me dismissively.

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