Roy x Reader: Story Time

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This was requested by honeyblooms
I'm so sorry for the long wait, but it's finally done now! Enjoy~

You didn't know how you'd gotten yourself into this mess, but alas, here you were.
You had all the smash kids running around your room, jumping on your couches and bed, and generally just making as much of a mess as they possibly could. Babysitting them for the day certainly didn't sound like it would be that much work. In fact, it sounded like it might be fun!
I mean, how bad could hanging out with a bunch of little cuties all day really be?

Well, apparently pretty bad.
Unfortunately you didn't know that before you volunteered.
You sat down on your couch, completely exhausted, to rub your throbbing head and try and figure out how you were going to occupy them for the next hour and a half. Unfortunately, you were fresh out of ideas.

Ness, who was playing tag with Lucas and Toon Link, jumped over you and ran to your kitchen, giggling about how no one could catch him.
Kirby was baking something in his Easy-bake oven, or, at least he used to be doing that. He had apparently gotten frustrated with the constraints of the small toy and moved on to baking with the real oven. Pichu was coloring a picture on the underside of your small coffee table, Pikachu was trying to scrape some gum, which had apparently fallen out of his mouth, off of the carpet, and Villager was just sitting next to you calmly, staring off into the abyss of nothingness.

You sighed, trying to think of something, anything, that would keep them quiet for just a little while.
Just then, a loud knock sounded at your door. You pushed yourself up from the couch, walking to the door and yawning.
"Boys! Stop playing tag in here. You're gonna break something! Kirby, please be carful. Pichu, there is paper right there. Stop drawing on my table." you told them, swinging your door open.

"Hey princess." your boyfriend Roy smiled at you, snaking his arms around your waist in a hug and stealing a quick kiss.
"Hey." you replied absentmindedly.
"You look tired." he commented, pushing a strand of (h/c) hair out of your face and behind your ear.
"I stopped by to see if you needed some help with the kids. I figured you might need a break from them for a minute." he grinned at you.

"Yeah..." you nodded, turning around to look back into your room at the chaos that was ensuing.
"Thank you so much Roy. Watching them is so much harder then I thought it'd be..." you admitted.

"You just need to know how to show them who's boss." Roy laughed, walking into your room and glancing around.
"Wow." he noted.
"I know." you agreed, shutting your door and walking back over to sit on the couch.

"Have no fear milady! I have a wonderful idea." Roy smiled, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
"Hey guys, stop what you're doing and c'mere. I'm gonna tell you an awesome story!"

Pichu poked his head out from under the table and crawled over, sitting down on the carpet. Roy grabbed Ness as he was running by, tickling him and plopping him down next to Pichu.
Toon Link and Lucas came shortly after that, wondering why Ness wasn't playing anymore. Even Kirby waddled over to see what was going on.

You gasped, looking at the formerly rowdy kids that were now sitting obediently. How come they listened to him!?!

"Alright ya little buggers. Are you ready for the most epic story you'll ever hear?" Roy asked, jumping to his feet enthusiastically.

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