Simon Belmont x Reader: "I'm not scared."

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Hey everyone! I know I said that a Pit x Japanese reader was coming next, but I have really bad writer's block for that chapter.
I'm still working on it and it will probably be out soon, but I had this one all ready. So here!
(Sorry for the delay and slight switch up)

This chapter was requested by Eboni-Napalm
Since we're in the month of October (assuming you live on Earth), I figured I'd make this story Halloween-y. So yep.

Ever since you and Simon had started dating, you'd been the happiest girl in the world. Simon was a great boyfriend. Sweet, tough, and incredibly handsome.
Sometimes you'd have to beat off other girls with a broom just to get them away from him.
It was all worth it though.

You sighed, fixing your hair in the hallway mirror and grabbing a bowl of candy you had prepared off the table. Just half an hour until trick-or-treaters were out. Your doorbell rang and you ran to answer it, throwing the door wide open and hugging your boyfriend tight. The two of you had already made plans to spend the evening together, so you knew it was him.

"Hey (Y/n)." he laughed, wrapping his muscular arms around your waist.
"I love your costume."

"Thanks." you grinned, glancing down at it and taking a step back to let Simon in.
"I like yours too." you added, giggling and looking him up and down. You had convinced him to dress up as He-Man, and it made you laugh every time you looked at him.

"I love Halloween." you hummed, twirling around.
"I'd never heard of it before you told me about it. We don't have it where I'm from. But it sounds fun." Simon smiled at you.
"Oh it is." you nodded. You couldn't believe that your boyfriend had never experienced Halloween before. When you had heard that last week, you just knew you had to show him the wonders of the holiday.
"It's the one holiday everyone loves! Cuz I mean, who doesn't like to get scared? It's fun." you giggled, gently pushing a stray piece of your (h/c) hair behind your ear.

"Hmm." Simon said thoughtfully.
"Well, it's impossible to scare me."

"Oh-ho-ho." you smirked, raising your eyebrow at your boyfriend.
"Really now? Are you sureeee?" you asked, leaning towards him and jabbing your finger into his chest.

"Yep." Simon stated proudly, placing his hands on his hips.
"I slay vampires for a living. Trust me, I don't get scared."

"We'll just have to see about that." you laughed "How about we place a little wager."
"I'm listening." Simon smirked, helping himself to a drink from your fridge.
"Okay. I'm betting that before the night's over, someone or something, will have scared you." you stuck your tongue out playfully at him.

"I'll take that bet." Simon chuckled.
"So what do I get when I win?"

"Now, now, don't get cocky." you tutted. "Whoever loses, has to....umm... pay for the next date!" you grinned.

"Deal." Simon shook your hand.
"You're going to regret this (Y/n)."

"Trick or treat!" a chorus of voices came from just outside the door.

You smiled and walked to the door, scooping a handful of candy into each kid's bag. "Happy Halloween." you told them.
They thanked you and jumped off your porch, running to the next house.
You laughed, closing the door and turning back to Simon.

"You should help me pass out candy." you suggested, tilting your head at him.
"Alright." he shrugged, grabbing the bowl from you and opening the door for the next wave of trick-or-treaters.
"What am I supposed to say? Oh right. Happy Hallow- WHAT?!?!" Simon exclaimed, shoving the candy bowl into your hands and pulling his whip from his side. "Great Scott! A vampire!" he turned to you, his eyes shining.
"I knew this would happen... But have no fear! I shall slay him!"
He ran down the street, chasing some poor twelve-year-old boy and cracking his whip at him.
"You won't get away foul demon! Come back and face me like a man you craven Dracula-spawn!" he screamed.

"W-wait! Simon!" you yelled, dropping the candy bowl on your porch and chasing after him. "It's just a costume! Babe! Come back!"

He was too fast for you though, and it was getting really hard to keep up with him. You pushed through crowds of trick-or-treaters, cursing under your breath. Why hadn't to told him about the costumes?!?!
By the time you'd finally caught up to Simon, he had seen another lady dressed up like a vampire and started chasing after her.
As he was chasing her, he saw a bat fly overhead and started chasing that.

You chased him around like that for fifteen minutes, running through the neighborhood trying to stop him.
"Simonnnnn!" you called in a desperate attempt for him to hear you.
You sat down on the sidewalk, panting hard and holding your aching side.

He must have finally heard you, because he turned around and jogged over to where you had collapsed on the sidewalk.
"Are you okay (Y/n)? It's not safe to be out here by yourself." he said, his eyebrows knitting together worriedly.
"I-I'm okay." you panted, holding your finger up while you took a breath.
"But Simon, those aren't real vampires. They're just people dressed up like them. For Halloween." you told him, pushing yourself up off the ground.

"Ohhhhhhh." Simon scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

You managed to drag your boyfriend back to your house, after making him apologize for terrorizing two random people.
When you got back, your entire bowl of candy was gone.
You sighed, mentally kicking yourself for leaving it out. Kids will be kids...
You picked it up and brought it inside, setting the bowl on the counter and refilling it.

"Okay. Let's try that again, huh?" you laughed, handing it back to your boyfriend. "I'm sorry." Simon apologized for the hundredth time.
"It's okay. It's my fault, really. I should've told you." you shook your head.

"Trick or treat!"

Simon swung the door open and and smiled wide, making his second attempt at passing out candy.
"Happy Halloween." he stated, nervously filling their bags with treats.
"How was that?"

"It was great." you smiled, wrapping your arms around his waist and standing on your tiptoes to rest your chin on his shoulder.

"Just know that the vampires out tonight aren't bad guys. No slaying." you teased, kissing his cheek and walking back into the kitchen.

He blushed, turning around to follow you.

This night was almost perfect...
Except that you still had to figure out a way to scare Simon. Hmmmm...
You decided to be a little sneaky and use his greatest fear against him.

"AHHHH SPIDER!"you screamed, pointing at his leg.

He jumped three feet in the air and screamed, waving his leg around like a madman.
"GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" he yelled.

"Scared ya." you smirked, laughing at his antics.

"R-really (Y/n)?" Simon pouted.

"Sorry." You laughed. "But it's Halloween! And I scared you, so you owe me a date." you winked at him.

"I hardly think that's fair." Simon grumped.
"You're lucky I love you."

"I know." you smiled up at him.
"But I'm also lucky I didn't wear my vampire costume."
Simon gulped. "That... Would've been bad..."

Welp, that's it for this chapter,
I hope you enjoyed!
As always thanks for reading! 😄
Don't forget to leave your feedback! It's greatly appreciated.
The next chapter will be the

Pit x Japanese reader

So stay tuned for that. (again lol)
Later gators! 🐊

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