Lighthearted Pit x Japenese Reader: "I don't understand..."

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Hey everyone,
I'm back with the next chapter!
Thank you all so much for being patient with me.
This was requested by

Warning: there is some swearing in this chapter.

When you first came to Smash, you were convinced you'd never make any friends. First off, your game wasn't too well known, so you didn't think anyone would recognize you.
Second, English was not your first language. Your game was only released in Japan, so learning English wasn't really important until now.

Lucky for you, everyone here seemed really friendly and were pretty good sports about being patient with you when it came to your speech.
In fact, you had already made a really good friend.
"Hey (Y/n). Whatcha thinkin about?"
A familiar voice shook you from your thoughts.

You looked up at Pit. The two of you were sitting outside under your favorite cherry blossom tree. It reminded you of home.
You smiled, resting your chin on your hands.

"Oh." Pit blinked. "Cool."
"Hey (Y/n), how do you say 'hello' in Japanese?" he asked, his eyes shimmering.

You sighed. He had asked you a lot of questions like this.
(Most of them were more er...exotic though. For instance, how to say: "Baby shark dododododododo-" or "Rawr! I'm a T-Rex!")

But you didn't mind. It was cute the way his eyes would light up when you told him how to say random things, and how he would fail miserably with the pronunciation. It was sooo cute. Plus, he would help you with English words in exchange for you teaching him Japanese ones.
You looked the angel up and down, before staring straight into his crystal-blue eyes.
You couldn't help but find his kind and innocent demeanor quite adorable, and he was such a goofball! Sure, you'd only known him for a couple weeks, but that didn't change the fact that you'd started developing feelings for him.

"Earth to (Y/n)! Hey!" Pit laughed, waving his hand in front of your face.

You shook your head frantically as a pink hue dusted your cheeks.
"Oh! Right. Kon'nichiwa. Hello."
you smiled at him.

"Co-knee-chee-wah." he repeated after you slowly.
"Ahhhh." he wiggled his eyebrows at you. "Cool."

"This is called a 'fan' here, right?" you asked, pulling a hand-fan from your bag. You always carried it with you, and it doubled as your weapon.
"Yep. That's a fan." Pit grinned at you.

"Ah." you smiled down at it.
"That's what we call it too."

"Wow." Pit laughed.
"Okay. I'm gonna try to say something to you in Japanese okay?"

"Hmm. Okay." you smiled.

"Kon'nichiwa (Y/n)! Watashi wa t-rexdesu." he announced, struggling to pronounce each word.
"Okay. Now tell me what I said!"
he grinned at you expectantly.

"You said 'Hello (Y/n), I'm a
T-Rex.' " you laughed.
"Whoa! I'm getting so good at Japanese." Pit laughed.

"Heyo. What up dorks?"

You both turned to see Pit's dark-haired counterpart walking towards you.
"Oh. Hey Pitoo. I was just talking to
(Y/n)." Pit said, clearly wondering why his evil twin was present.

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