Lovesick Richter x Supermodel reader Songfic: She's so high

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Again, thank you all for your patience with me. 😊
High School sucks, and it's been keeping me pretty busy lately.
Anywho, I decided to make this one a song-fic, soooo... Yeah. 😅
The song is "She's so high"
by Tal Batchman. I put a link for it above. (I swear it's not about drugs 😅)
Okay enjoy~

She's blood, flesh and bone.
No tucks, or silicone.
She's touch, smell, sight, taste and sound.

Richter honestly couldn't remember a time when he didn't have a crush on you. You were his celebrity crush, his idol, the very reason he believed that there was beauty on this earth.
So yeah... He was a little bit obsessed.
Three years ago when you had first shown up to that small modeling gig, you never would have imagined you'd get this famous and popular, but here you were. One thing led to the next, and before you knew it you had become a supermodel, practically living on the runway. Pretty much everyone knew your name; everybody wanted to know more about you. You were a beautiful person inside and out. You were always sincere in your countless interviews, and people loved you for it.
Naturally, Richter's friends were a little bit worried when he put a poster of you on his wall. They were really worried when he put another poster of you on his other wall. They were extremely worried when he turned his closet into a personal shrine dedicated to your image. He had pulled out magazine pages that featured your image and pasted them to the walls, burning fragrant incense around a large poster of you that he had framed and hung in the middle.
His friends decided to talk to him about it, because, let's be honest, he had taken this way too far...

But somehow I can't believe-
That anything should happen.
I know where I belong.
And nothing's gonna happen- yeah.

"Richter, man, she's like, way outta your league bro." Roy tried to convince him. Roy, Ryu, Ken, Simon, and Chrom  had all gathered in Richter's room to try help him get over his obsession.
"Yeah! I mean, she's a supermodel for Naga's sake. If she was even going to consider dating you, she'd take one look at me and forget all about you."
Chrom laughed, elbowing Richter teasingly.
"Oh shut up." Richter muttered.
"Are you guys sure I don't have a chance?" he asked skeptically.
The boys all nodded furiously in unison. "Yep!" Ryu stated.
"Like we said, she's a supermodel. She has no idea that you even exist. If you were to even have a chance, you'd have to become a model or something."
Everyone laughed, thinking they'd finally set their friend straight.
Boy were they wrong.
Richter's eyes grew wide.
"I have an idea..." he grinned.

'Cause she's so hiiiiiiiiiiigh-
high above me.
She's so lovely.
She's so hiiiiiiiiiiiiigh-
like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc or Aphrodite.
She's so hiiiiiiigh~
High above me.

Richter started small, applying to model for men's watches. So, in a sense, his left arm was now famous.
Next he modeled tennis shoes, so his feet were famous. Soon he was modeling in local magazines, posing with grills and pretending to have a friendly cookout. Pretty soon a real modeling agency found him, and he modeled suits, jackets, and swimming attire. His friends were flabbergasted to say the least, but supported him as best they could. (Not to say he didn't get teased, because he definitely did.
He didn't mind though.) He had a goal.
Somehow, he had to get as famous as (Y/n). He needed to at least know her. He needed to see her in person; he needed to see her with his own eyes. She might be way out of his league now, but soon he would be up there. He was determined.

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