Dark Pit x Lightheartded Reader: "Stay positive!"

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Hey guys! I'm back with a
Dark Pit x Lighthearted Reader
Requested by the always lovely MoonsDepression
So yep, here you go! Enjoy~

It was a stormy afternoon at the Smash mansion, and you were hanging out in Dark Pit's room.
You were both super bored, and had decided to play your favorite game.

You liked to call it: Stay Positive Pitoo!
And this is how it worked:
Dark Pit would say something sad or depressing, and then you would have to try to counter it with something pleasant, upbeat, or inspiring.
If he ran out of sad thoughts and couldn't think of any more, then you won.
If you couldn't counter his sad fact, he won.

It could be quite challenging at times, (as Dark Pit had a lot of random depressing facts) but you always jumped at the chance to play it with him. He was a little rough around the edges, and didn't get along well with most people, but for some reason you two just... clicked.

On the very first day you had arrived at the Smash Mansion, you were partnered up with him for a team battle, and the two of you had hit it off.
Ever since then, you've been one of his very few friends, and you'd made it your personal mission to make sure he doesn't ever get lonely.

"Okay (Y/n)." Dark mused, resting his chin on his hands. He scooted himself off the couch so he was sitting on the floor next to you.
"I'll go first."

The heavy rainstorm continued outside, pattering against the window and providing a consistent hum.

"Ah. The rain. There's going to be a lot of rain this week, and it'll flood peoples basements and ruin all their stuff." the Dark angel stated, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Hmm." you thought for a moment in silence, before piping up,
"Maybe, but the flowers really needed it! It was way too dry for them!
And maybe we'll even get to see a rainbow after the rain stops." you pointed out, scooting closer towards him.

"Okay. How about the fact that someone, somewhere, is dying right now." Dark Pit frowned at you. "Not like I really care, as long as it's not me..." he added.

You ran your hand through your (h/c) hair, thinking.
"Yeah. That is pretty sad." you nodded.
"But- it's also someone's birthday today somewhere. And they are celebrating the gift of life with their family." you countered, grinning at Pitoo.

You both sat in silence as he thought.
"Hmm." Dark pit sighed.
"Oh." he gave you one of his rare smiles. "I almost forgot about the obvious. I have Pit for a roommate."
he sighed.

"Pit's not that bad!" you defended.
"I think he's sweet."

"Yeah well, you've clearly never had to try to fall asleep with him in the next bed singing the Pokemon theme song to try to fall asleep."
Dark Pit narrowed his eyes and frowned.
"Oof-" you bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing.
That sounded like something Pit would do.
"Well, think of it this way. The situation could be much worse. You could have... I dunno, Ludwig as a roommate." you shrugged.
"Blegh." Dark wrinkled his nose.

It was quiet for a moment before you spoke up.
"So..." you leaned in, your face inches from his. "Do I win? You haven't said anything in awhile." you smiled, playfully poking him.

Dark Pit blushed at your closeness, and scooted back. "U-uh. No. I'm no giving up." he stated.
"Okay." you shrugged. "But you can't win this."

"Ah." he smirked at you.
"That's where you're wrong." he leaned back in and booped your nose.
"I have been saving a secret weapon." he crossed his arms and stuck his nose in the air.

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