Terry x Reader Valentine's Day Special: Lonely Together

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This was requested by
I'm so so sorry for the long wait, and I'm also sorry in advance if he is OoC. I don't know much about him, but I tried my best!
Happy Valentine's Day! 💝
Okay, enjoy!

How could this happen?!?
The injustice of it all was just tragic.
You were single on Valentine's Day, which, as we all know, is the worst day to be single.
It wasn't so bad being single on other days, but something about today was different. There's just something about seeing everybody else spending time with their significant other while you sit alone on the sidelines that leaves you feeling so... Empty...
So what else was there to do than mope around in your room and act dramatic?
The only reason you bothered getting up at all was that your favorite cereal seemed to be calling to you from the pantry. "Eeeeeat meeeee! I'm soooo yuuuuuummmyyyy..." Your stomach grumbled, demanding that you immediately fill it with Lucky Charms (or whatever your favorite cereal is... Unless that cereal is plain Cheerios, which are disgusting). You sighed, rolling out of bed and begrudgingly starting your day.
After a quick shower and breakfast, you decided to go do some training.
It wasn't fun, but at least it would help you get your mind off this awful day for a little while.

You slipped out of your room, closing the door behind you and walking to the elevator at the end of the hall.

"Good morning (Y/n)!" a voice chirped from behind you.

You glanced behind you, smiling upon locating the source of the voice.
"Oh. Hey Zelda." you waved, waiting for a moment to allow her to catch up to you.
"Are you going down?" Zelda inquired, skipping into the elevator and grinning at you.

"Yep. First floor." you nodded.
"Cool! I'm going to the second floor. I'm meeting Link so we can hang out and play some board games with Marth and Caeda, then go out to lunch! We'll probably catch a movie too if we have time!.." she told you, her eyes shining.
"Cool!" you replied, forcing a grin with all the false enthusiasm you could muster.


The elevator stopped, and you both glanced at the door curiously as it slid open.
"Hello." Lucina smiled, stepping in with Robin by her side.

"Hi!" Zelda laughed. "What are you two love-birds doing for Valentines day?" she teased, elbowing Lucina.

Lucina blushed, pushing a loose strand of her blue hair behind her ear.
"Nothing much. We're going to brunch, and afterward we plan to check out the book store that just opened." she smiled. Her voice was calm and steady as usual, but her eyes were sparkling, and the faint glow on her cheeks betrayed her nervous excitement.
Why couldn't you have someone who made you feel like that?

"Awesome!" Zelda giggled. "Link and I aren't doing anything too crazy either..."

You sighed, taking a step back and crossing your arms over your chest.
Just your luck. You would get stuck in an elevator with two couples. Er, one-and-a-half couples anyway.
Nothing against them of course- it's not like they knew they were making you feel increasingly lonely by talking about what they had planned with their significant others.


You all glanced at the elevator door as it slid open once again.
Luigi and Daisy filed into the elevator, followed by Villager and Isabelle.
You scooted farther back into the corner, as the new couples started talking and mingling with the other couples. (Except for Villager, who didn't say anything. He just stared... And smiled... That guy gave you the heebie-jeebies...) You shuddered involuntarily.
Well. This is awkward....
You made it down one more floor when, once again, you heard that all-too-familiar "bing". You watched in disbelief as Diddy-Kong waddled onto the elevator holding Dixie-Kong's hand.

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