M!Inkling x Octling Reader: Truth or Dare

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Hey guys, this chapter was requested by the one and only MoonWolfi10
I don't know to much about Inkling, (I've never played any of the Splatoon games) but I tried my best!
Alrighty, here you go! Enjoy~

You didn't know how you had gotten roped into playing truth or dare with the smashers- wait a minute... yeah you did.
It was all Toon Link's fault.

"Hey (Y/n)! I need your help! It's my kitty! I think he's sick! Follow me!"

Yep. You fell for that.
You followed the biggest prankster in the Smash mansion because you thought his cat might be sick.
Toon Link doesn't even have a cat! 
Of course you didn't know that. You were still new here.
(In retrospect, you would've felt like a monster had the hypothetical cat actually been sick, so at least you can pride yourself on your kindness, but still...)

You glanced around the locked room Toon Link had trapped you in. Other frustrated Smashers were sitting around waiting for Toon Link to get back.
They had all obviously been fooled into coming one way or another. Among them you noticed Inkling.
You bit you lip and looked away quickly, trying not to blush.
Sure, he probably didn't even know you were alive, but that didn't mean he wasn't cute.

"Follow me! Mario's in my room- shirtless!" you heard Toon Link yell from outside the door, opening it and pushing Peach inside.

"M-ario!" she hummed, excitedly skipping in.
Mario ran over to Kirby and pried his mouth open, diving inside.
"Wow. Amazing escape plan Mario." You rolled your eyes sarcastically.

"Alright everyone!" Toon Link clapped his hands to get your attention.
"Now that I have you all in one place, let's play some truth or dare!" he grinned mischievously.

Everybody groaned.

"No." Samus stated defiantly, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Let me out. Now."

Toon Link stood thoughtfully for a moment, before sticking out his tongue at her. "Nope." he laughed.
"I'm not kidding you little punk. Unlock the door, and let me out." she spat, tapping her foot impatiently.
"Nope." Toon Link said again, this time starting to sing.


Samus took a step forward and aimed her cannon arm at his head.
"Last chance kid."

Toon Link smiled smugly at her, before slowly putting his hand in his pocket and pulling out the key.
He proceeded to open his mouth wide and dangle the key over it.

"I'll eat it. I really will. We leave this room on my terms." Toon Link declared.

"Okay! Okay!" Samus groaned, plopping back down on the bench where she was sitting.
"Little brat." she muttered.
"Good." Toon Link smiled triumphantly. "Now. I'll go first."

He glanced around the room, his hand on his chin.
"Zelda. Truth or dare?"

Zelda flinched, smoothing out her dress and frowning.
"Truth." she replied.

"Ugh. So boring." Toon Link rolled his eyes. "Fine then. What would you do if you and Link broke up?"

Zelda ran her hand through her hair, clearly uncomfortable with the question.
"U-umm." she stammered.
"Oh! I'd get back with my ex." she said.

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