haunted mansion

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"hey honey, there is a guy coming here today to talk to you about the mansion. his name is colby." my mom told me, taking a sip of her green juice.

"the haunted mansion?" i asked her.

"yeah. i told him you'd give him a tour of it before they stayed. you seem to know more about the place than anyone else." she told me.

"and why exactly are we doing this?" i asked her.

"they do youtube... they'll get the word out that we're reopening it." she told me, reading over a document.

"i don't get why were reopening it. it was clearly closed for a reason." i told her.

"it's being reopened as a haunted attraction now. the only people staying will want to see ghosts." she told me. "you should invite logan and camille to stay overnight with you."

"wait, i have to stay overnight?" i asked.

"yes. we're making it like a hotel experience. you know i'll pay you for it, dear." she told me.

my parents bought a mansion/ inn/ hotel place. it was opened in the early 1800s as a
place for the rich to stay. and then the owner died while making one of the beds in room 108.

then in 1821, it was reopened as an illegal gay conversion camp that was shut down not even two years later after three people were killed there.

it stayed empty for the next 2 years, reopening again in 1825 as a hotel. the hotel stayed open until the 1860s when it was used to house wounded soldiers.

it was bought in 1900, a family moving into it. they lived there for less than a year before their 13-year old daughter mysteriously died in her room... room 103. after that, they decided to basically reconstruct the whole building and modernize it more. two workers died in the rebuilding of the building.

in 1922, they turned an area of the building to a speak easy. their son also died during this time due to tb.

in 1926, the wife was murdered in the entrance/ lobby of the building. it was pretty evident that the husband did it but he was never charged. after her death, he moved away and left the building abandoned for 15 years.

in 1941, the man died and someone else bought the building, turning it into a place where the few wealthy people would stay during the great depression.

during this time, it was said that at least 13 people had died in the building due to food poisoning in the restaurant inside the hotel.

by 1950, it was bought out and was continued to be used as a fancy hotel until it went under in 1998 due to people being too scared of the 'ghost sightings.'

and then it was abandoned until 2017, when my parents bought it. and now in 2020, they're finally ready to open it to the public.


an hour had passed and i heard the doorbell so i got off of the couch, pausing the show i was watching.

"hey! are you uh... adelaide?" the very attractive boy asked me, looking up from his phone.

"i am. colby?" i asked with a smile.

"yeah. it's super cool that you guys are letting us use this place for a video." he told me with a smile.

"yeah, it's honestly no problem." i smiled. "soo i guess we should get going."

"yep!" he smiled. "are we driving together or should i follow you?" he asked.

"we could drive together. two of my friends are meeting us there so i'll just catch a ride back with them." i told him.

"great!" he said, leading me to his car.

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