haunted house

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"i dont really want to go." i slightly whined to my boyfriend.

"stop being a baby. it'll be fun." colby laughed.

"ah yes it's so fun to purposely get scared enough to piss yourself." i said dramatically.

"i'll protect you." he joked.

don't get me wrong, i'm all for going exploring and to haunted locations and watching horror movies... but when you have to walk through tight, dark spaces in a haunted house, that's when the anxiety kicks in.

"i'll go but you have to stay next to me the whole time." i told him.

"of course i will." he assured me as he sat at the edge of the bed.


"which one of you assholes came up with this idea?" i asked, lightly laughing.

"that would be my asshole." tara told me, motioning to jake.

i have him a death stare, making everyone laugh. we had just gotten out of the car at the haunted house.

colby grabbed my hand and we walked up to the little booth thing to get our tickets.

"hi, two tickets." colby told the lady.

"that'll be $40." she smiled. he got his wallet out and handed her a $50 and waited for his change.

colby and i stood off to the side and waited for the rest of our groups to get their tickets as well.

"you ready?" tara asked me as she came up next to me, grabbing my hand.

"i guess so." i told her. colby had ahold of my other hand and jake was holding taras other plan. corey, devyn, kat and sam also doing the same thing behind us since we couldn't walk through as a group of 8 in a straight line.

there were a bunch of creepy actors walking around the entrance to scare you when you walked in. we walked to the line and got behind the last people.

"you okay?" colby asked me, pulling my body into his.

"i guess so." i told him with a little smile.

"you're so short." he laughed.

"at least i'm not as short as tara." i laughed, looking over to my best friend.

she flipped me off, making all of us laugh. i leaned up on my tippy toes to kiss colby again.
the line was moving forward fairly quickly... which was not good in my eyes.

"i don't like this. i don't like this. i don't like this." i complained.

"baby, nothings happened yet." colby laughed at me.

colby was to my left and tara was to my right.

"that makes it even more scary because it's suspenseful." i told him, leaning into his side more.

we were - what i was estimating - about half way through the haunted house. kat was more scared then anyone, devyn coming in second place. i wasn't that scared of the people... just the right spaces and the wack ass strobe lights.

"holy shit!" i yelled when a clown jumped out in front of us, making everyone laugh.


the next part we were going through were those blow up  garbage bag things where you literally can't see a thing and can barely breath. (hope that makes sense lmao)

and that's what i was in fear of. i hated small spaces with a passion... and everyone here knew that so when we approached the bag thing, the vibe went from fun and scary to scary and scary.

"you okay?" tara asked, turning back to look at me.

"i'll be alright." i told her with a small smile.

"are you sure babe?" colby asked me.

"i'll be fine." i nodded, grabbing onto to taras hand and then colbys.

jake led the group of us through the little bag thing. i was gripping their hands tightly, in slight fear. i was holding my breath the whole way through, which i didn't realize until i let out a huge breath when we got through.

we eventually made it out and i had to take a few minute breather.

"are you okay?" tara asked me.

"i'm good." i smiled, very happy that i managed to go through without freaking out.

colby protectively walked next to me the entire time and i ended up being fine. which was quite the relief.

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