beach date

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"so where are we going on our date?" i asked colby.

"just wear something chill. it'll just be the two of us." he told me with a little smile.

"okay." i smiled, kissing him.

it's been pretty cold in LA recently so i threw on a lavender hoodie and a pair of high waisted jean shorts.

i put on the lightest face of makeup ever and threw on a pair of birks.


"so where exactly are we going?" i asked colby. we were in the car on our way to our date.

"just wait a minute babe." he laughed, turning.

i knew we were at the beach but i had no clue why. it was too cold to swim and i couldn't think of anything else.

colby parked the car in a spot at a random parking lot.

"wait, don't get out of the car yet." he laughed.

colby and i didn't exactly go on dates very often. we would order lunch and go out for lunch and dinner all the time but it was never planned. it was normally like "hey i'm hungry let's go get food." and i practically live at his house so it's exciting that we're going on a real date.

this entire week he's been telling me to make sure i'm free today because he made plans for us.

he walked around from his side of the car and opened the door for me.

"thanks." i grinned, getting out of the car.

"of course." he smiled.

he grabbed my hand and we walked down to the beach.

"i'm so confused." i laughed.

"you're so impatient. we're almost there." he laughed.

"okay, okay." i laughed as he pulled my body into his.

"aaaanndddd here we are." colby said as we reached a pergola.

under the pergola was a little couch and two canvases.

"you're so adorable. i love this." i smiled, hugging him. "thank you."

"of course, babe." he smiled back, grabbing my hand to walk me to the little couch.

we sat down and started talking as we both started our paintings. i was painting a picture of colby and i in italy.

there was a fruit tray and champagne.

we spent the whole evening there, watching the sunset and painting. it was absolutely perfect.

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