the one

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"i hate this." i complained to tara, flopping back onto her bed.

"i know. i'm sorry, ad." she told me. the boy that i've liked for nearly a whole year just got a girlfriend. he led me on for a year just to get with another girl. "not to change the subject but jake and colby are coming over tonight." she told me. i gave her a small nod and got off of her bed.

did i just cry over a boy who didn't care about me? yes. am i still going to mope around and be sad about it? yes.

i went into my own bedroom and changed out of my hoodie and sweatpants and changed into a hoodie and leggings. what a life i'm living.
i ended up putting an xplr hoodie that sam and colby gave me and then just black leggings.

i threw my nasty ass hair up into a pony tail and then put the tiniest bit of concealer under my eyes to hide the fact that i was crying. news flash - it didn't work.

"i'll be back in like ten minutes. will you be okay here?" tara asked me from the kitchen.

"i'll be fine tara." i laughed. "it's not like my dog died, it's just a stupid guy." i told her.

"i know. i just wanted to make sure." she laughed.

i heard the front door open and then shut so i decided to clean the house a tiny bit before the boys came over.

i started folding the blankets on the couch that tara and i had out last night. alexis, kat and devyn were all over last night so i could cry and rant about the boy i was hardcore crushing on but got rejected by.

i made my way to the kitchen and started washing the wine glasses and champagne flutes since they can't go in the dishwasher.

"hey." tara said, coming back into our apartment.

"hi." i smiled.

"i brought you an iced coffee." she told me, setting it on the counter.

"you're the best." i told her with a smile.

"you should just date colby." tara said for the 100th time since nick broke my heart yesterday. a bit dramatic but true.

"again, colby doesn't like me and i think it's pretty obvious that he's not looking to date right now." i told her.

"oh god, are you blind? colby literally gives you all of his attention." tara said.

"that's only because we are the only two people who aren't dating anyone. devyn and corey, kat and sam and then you and jake are dating. so that only leaves colby and i." i explained.

"whatever. i know he likes you though." she insisted.


"hey." i smiled, walking out of my bedroom.

"hey, nice hoodie." colby pointed out the xplr merch.

"you think?" i asked with a laugh.

"adelaide! i'm sorry nick broke your heart." jake said, making tara hit him in the arm.

"don't be an asshole." tara warned him.

"nah, it's okay. i'll get over it." i told him, sitting next to colby at the counter.

"good, he doesn't deserve you anyways. he's honestly a piece of shit." jake told me, making me laugh.

"i can agree with that." i told him.

"what flavor white claw?" tara asked us.

"black cherry." i told her.

"i'll have the same." colby told her.

"give me a lime one." jake said. she grabbed out our drinks and a mango one for herself.

"jake, will you go with me to pick up the food?" tara asked him.

he nodded and the two of them grabbed their stuff to leave, leaving colby and i.

"so what happened with nick?" colby asked me.

"he got a girlfriend. he basically just led me on for a year and then started dating some other girl." i explained, taking a sip of my drink.

"i'm sorry. you deserve so much better than that. you are honestly such a good person." he told me.

"well at least someone thinks so." i laughed.

"you should see the boys that would line up just to talk to you for a few minutes. i swear every single person i know has a crush on you." he said.

"does that include you or..." i joked, laughing.

"maybe." he said, making me blush slightly.

"really?" i asked him, shocked.

"i don't know how you didn't notice before." he laughed.

"wait seriously? you aren't just messing with me?" i asked him.

"fully serious." he confirmed.

"i guess i just had my heart set on nick, who is an asshole, to notice anything else around me." i told him. "i like you too."

"well that's good news. i mean not the nick thing but that you like me too." he laughed.

"i got that." i laughed.

"in that case, adelaide would you like to go on a date with me friday night?" he asked.

"i would love that." i smiled.

fuck nick.

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