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"Mira wake up-"

"BITCH WAKE UP!" Jolting awake you sprung up in your bed, eyes wide you scan the room only to see that the Bakusquad(tm) we're sitting in your dorm room. Some were on the bed and others scattered across the floor. Throwing the covers off of you, you checked for any bruises or broken bones only to find there were none.

"It was a dream? Jesus I got roasted like a butt-cheek on a stick!" Remembering your dream you visibly began to shake, causing concern in the room. You had started to hyperventilate and not knowing what to do your friends began to freak out. Until big-ballacks Kiri came to the rescue.

"Mira- breathe... look at me now. Mira-" cupping your face in between the redheads hands you focused your gaze on him and slowly you began to calm down.

"Damn The diamond life really gets to ya sometimes don't it?" Denki commented, earning a glare from basically everyone.

"What happened?" Your explosive friend spoke up as he scooted closer to you. Eventually he wrapped an arm around you and pulled your side close to him. Wow what a good friend.

"The v- villains... wow did I really stutter? Gross." Looking up at everyone they felt bad for you as they saw pure terror fill your eyes. "They tortured me... they were electrocuting me-"

Now Kaminari felt horrified, although his quirk revolved around electrocution and energy currents he remembered what it was like getting burned so bad that you wish you could have died then and there.

"They stuck knives in me, the Nomu broke every bone in my body, my nails were pulled off one by one and I was burned alive..." The room had now become tense as you sat staring at your legs. "Y'know what was the worst part though? I felt every little bit of it. Like it was real life, like it was actually happening."

"You know what Mira? I- I think you should get some rest... Yeah! Just you lie down and relax we'll bring everything to you." Whispering Sero walked out of the bedroom and left to go find your other classmates and inform them of your dream.


You were now sitting in the living room with all your classmates, huddled up in a blanket you told your friends of your dream and how real and excruciating it was.

Iida, awhile back had left to get some food for you and had now just came back. Arms filled with food he gave a small smile as everyone started to drool at all the food.

"You alright guys?" The male set the food down in front of you and opened a packet of pocky for you.

"If i'm with you then yes."

"What was that, I didn't hear you. My apologies." Wait... that line felt familiar... have you said that before?

"Ben ten. Have I ever said that to you before." Shoving the pocky in your pussy-licking mouth you thought back to the day you went to the Pussycat's land.

"'If I'm with you then yes'? Don't think so Mira." You thought really hard, you kinda looked constipated honestly.

"Guys... were we ever at a lake and a bunch of villains attacked us and kidnapped me and Kat? You know when Aizawa came out with that hella cool line?"

Your friends gave you a weird look and tried to think back. Even Bakugou was confused at what you were talking about. "Nah Mira that never happened girl." Mina spoke as she gave you a quizzical look.

"So I never went to your house with everyone and we got pizza and I shape-shifted into you and Denki ate my last slice of pizza so I three-sixty no scoped him-"

"Mira calm down!" Putting their hands on your shoulders Katsuki made you look him straight in the eyes. "Are you high? Bitch that never fucking happened."

Everyone was wide eyed as you slammed the pocky down on the table and harshly pulled your explosive friends arms away as you began to freak out. The memories of your kidnapping rushed back to you and you definitely thought it was real. It was real... right?! You weren't crazy- well you kinda were but eh- go crazy, go stupid.

Your classmates watched in horror as you began to scream, your hands pulled locks of hair out of your head as your breathing became shallow some of your classmates tried to get you to release your hair but honestly you were so traumatised that you didn't know what was going on anymore.

"Someone get Aizawa-"

Black. That's all you saw as your body seemed to collapse your classmates screamed. Your body had started to morph into different people. Some were strangers on the street, some were celebrities you had seen on t.v and some were your friends. Perhaps you had been so worked up that your body went into shock.

But it didn't take long before your corpse eventually gave out and like before when you were in the Pussycat's lake you were just a black figure, no clothes, nothing. Your body spazzed and some of your body parts came out of your body. Like a chunk of your thigh came out and floated, then a piece of your cheek, your side and so on. Until ultimately you passed out, leaving your friends to stare in shock. Damn take a picture it'll last longer-

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