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"I'm guessing he didn't go easy on you huh babe." Mina sighed, patting her friend on the back to give her comfort. The girl recently scolded by the love of her life sulked, hand pressed against her cheek.

"Oh stop whining will you bitch. I honestly don't see what you like about that bore." A tall, loud, ruby eyed boy stated plopping himself in front of the sulking girl. Scowling at the sight of her.

"Of course she's gonna be upset, she really likes Aizawa-"

"She fancies him is what you're trynna say Mina." Sero interrupted joining into the conversation, tray in hand he daringly sat beside the beast himself- bakugou.

"I honestly don't fancy him, I look up to him..." You sighed, rubbing your face from your sad one to your cheered up one. Meanwhile another boys eyes lit up at that.

( Your quirk? Shape shifter. You can change the way you look along with the 'powers' you possess. For example you could change into a dinosaur and be really strong. Or you could turn into someone from your class- Bakugou for example and possess his quirk. Etc. )

"Welp, if you can't beat em' join em'!" You cried out, snatching a piece of meat from Bakugou's plate you popped it into your mouth giggling. Although to the dismay and utter enragement of said boy he let you live.

You could say he had a soft spot for you, he knew your background and what went on in your life, so there wasn't much he could (or want to) do to make it shittier, if even possible.

You and your mother were close to the bread line, you'd been homeless before, your mother jobless and you a raging teen.

You say a raging teen, which was in fact true but you tried to not let that show, you didn't want to burden your mother even more and you thought it was unnecessary to bother someone with your problems.

That being said you did let your emotions show, you didn't explode on people like a certain hot headed boy you knew but everyone around you could tell when you were feeling upset or angry, but they knew better than to talk to you about it cause you'd most likely end up exploding on them and feeling bad afterwards.


"Mira come on recess is over!" Kaminari called out to you, turning his head to face you, his arm up to signal for you to catch up to him and your other friends.

"Coming kami!"

To say your were close with your friends was an understatement, you had known most of them only for a while with the exception of Bakugou and Kaminari. You had known them for a few years- maybe about five or four, around the time that man took you and your mother in but then again you couldn't really remember.


"Hey Mira!" Kirishima whisper-shouted towards you in class, gaining your attention you subtly turned around in your seat not wanting to get told off again.

"Yes my lover?" You seductively questioned pulling a flirty and sultry face, well tried to, in all honesty it just looked ugly.

"Denki wants ya. Also... you might not wanna pull that face again."

"We going sad boy hours gang." You mumbled to yourself looking at your longtime friend after getting told he needed you.

"What the ever living fuck do you want Denkers?"

"Come to the convenience store with me after school or else I'll rip up all your big tiddied anime girl body pillows." The pikachu looking headass threatened, glaring with such a look you thought you'd go braindead if you looked at that ugly thot any longer.

"Mk chief." You stated nonchalantly yawning and turning back around to pay attention- more like admire your teacher as he taught the last class of the day.


"Peace out gucci gangsters." You dramatically peaced out, whilst having to get dragged out of the classroom by your bag by the one and only Bakubitch!! Teehee.

"We have to go to our dorms today Mira." Katsuki reminded as he still pulled you by your bag much to your protest.

"I have to wait on Denki, Kat! Let me go now captain." You squirmed whilst flailing your arms about in hopes of getting the demon to let go.

"Tsk fine, but I'm comin' too ya know."

"More the merrier babes." A third voice called out, approaching the pair was Denki, Mina, Sero and Kirishima in all their beautiful gucci gangster glory.

"To the convenience store we go!" You and Mina called out running around in circles like kids and puffing out your cheeks as you both made blast off noises.

Coochie! | bnhaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें