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Now that, good sir... was not very cash-money of you

"I'm gonna pop out for a bit okay?" You said, a smile plastered your face as you took a glance at your friends... perhaps that would be the last time you would see them for a long time.


The sun was about to set as Mira strolled through the park, sun beam on her she suddenly grew tense.

"What a surprise to see you here Mira." Taking a few steps back you internally cringed at the line that had just been spewed out.

"Gross Shigi. What do you want?" Ready to shape-shift you took a fighting stance only to immediately shit your brains out as someone (that being Toga) blindfolded you.

"Hiya Mi~ Long time no see." After trying to shrug your way out of the crazed girls' grip you sighed obviously pissed that you were stuck with this annoying bitch again.

"Well there goes my chance of keeping my sanity-"

"Mira." To be honest Dabi the absolute fruit he is, kinda felt bad for you. Sure he was still a villain but he did kinda like you... which is honestly... really sad.

"You're com-" Not letting the crusty villain finish his sentence you interpreted that he was kinda still salty about y'know leading the heroes to his base.

"You're coming with us? Yeah, cliché line you fucking fruit. Come on, get this shit over with so I can blow this joint."


"Jesus Guys why you gotta do me like this? I mean holding me hostage is fine but leaving me alone with her?! Y'all be fucked up."

You had been locked up somewhere, which you can only imagine was a dark and damp room as you contemplated blowing your brains out. If only you could find a gun-

"Mira~ wake up! We've got a special guest here waiting for you!" Groaning, you felt your blindfold get yanked off as your vision cleared you saw yourself in a mirror you glanced around the room. There were cameras and tools everywhere. (Damn that's kinky.)

"Now sweetie, we're gonna preform a few... acts and guess what?! You're taking part in it! Isn't that exciting?!" A light-hearted voice boomed through the speakers, making your ears bleed... literally.

"UGH YOU EVER HEARD OF INDOOR VOICES YOU TWERP?!!" You screamed as you thrashed about. Turns out you were strapped to an electric chair... not good.

"Now the first act we'll preform... might shake you up." You heard a switch flip and waited a few seconds until...

The most excruciating pain ever swam throughout your body. Electric currents rushed through your blood stream as you gave out a blood-curdling scream. Suddenly the pain stopped and a voice echoed throughout the room although you were already so out of it you could hardly make out what the bastard was saying.

"Did you like that? I know I sure did!!" The voice laughed and all you could think of was the fact that you didn't even get to eat your left over pizza from the night before.

"Fuck off you prick-" Suddenly cut off, electricity swarmed through your body and again suddenly stopped.

"Be a good little girl now. You don't want to make the Nomu upset, now do you?" Your eyes widened and you gaged at the thought of the weird thing you had saw on t.v hurting you.

Abruptly you were blindfolded and you wanted to throw up as the strongest stench ever filled your nose. God you wish you had just stayed home and ate your pizza.

Once again pain filled your body as your leg was crushed by what you could only assume was the Nomu. You could feel the blood ooze out of you as the Nomu crushed every bone in your body. You believed the pain had went on for hours until suddenly it stopped. There was no pain and there was no noise.

You heard a whisper in your ear and knew exactly who it was.

"Dabi?" You tensed up, it couldn't be him right? The bastard wouldn't dare hurt you... right?

"I'm sorry..." the male whispered as you shrieked in pain. You could only assume it was the navy-haired villain as he ripped off your finger nails one... by... one.

Your blindfold once again came off and this time the annoying ass-fuck Toga was in front of you. You gagged as you saw her look at you, a crazed look swirl in her eyes.

"Mira we're best friends right? So that means I can take some of your blood right? I'll only take a bit I promise!" This felt familiar, had this already happened? Oh right. The weekend you went to the Pussycat's land this bitch had shown up.

"Sorry Karen but... I'VE ALREADY FUCKING TOLD YOU- YOU'RE NOT GETTING THE FUCKING KIDS BACK-" Absolute agony filtered through your body as once more you were left gasping for air. Karen never fucking gives up does she? Someone get her, her fucking essential oils cause she going loco again.

Fast forward an hour and you've had countless knives stuck in you. You're honestly surprised you haven't bled out by now. Your vision had completely left you, even without the blindfold on you couldn't see a fucking bitch anywhere.

Faintly you could hear the blonde teen giggle as she forcefully pulled out all of her twenty-nine knives. Yes you had been counting. I mean what else could you have done? Sit back and relax? I think the fuck not you trick ass bitch.

"Dabi-" You hear the girl gasp and gag and then fall to the floor as the navy-haired villain sits atop her torso and stabs her repeatedly. You saw the crazed look in his eyes as you had once saw in Toga's. Looking up at you his neck spazzed out a few times as his blood stained face smiled at you.

Getting up from the ground the male picked you up and that's when you saw faint blue flames light up the room around you and that's when you saw your life flash before your eyes as the pretty blue flames consumed both you and the severely scarred man in whole.

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