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"Sis!~" Your brother cooed out, shouting sorta. It was the end of the day on a Friday, the day your half brother would spend the night at your house.

You silently groaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your head you tried your best to put on a smile. Ultimately failing your face turned red, a horrid look on your face, this was the smile you were trying to pull off. "Oh... heyyyy Monoma..."

"Let's walk to mothers together sis, it'll be fun!!"

"Sure Monoma." You said through gritted teeth, you turned your head to face in front of you, you pulled an angry snappy face, alerting the passerby's in front of you to look away in terror.
(The face is kinda like Koro-sensei from AC when he gets annoyed)

"Hey loser, we're walking home together remember retard?!" A snappy voice barked, that voice belonging to your one of a kind best friend Bakugou Katsuki. He quickly stomped his way over to you, barely realising your son of a bitch brother was there, but once the fiery kid did he didn't forget to slag the latter and send a glare his way. "What's he doing here?"

"I'm going to mine and Mira's mothers house 1a freak." The blue (but mostly grey) eyed boy slyly remarked, sending a slag his way.


"Boys- BOYS SHUT THE FUCK UP AND JUST WALK. DAMN WHAT'S A GIRL GOTTA DO OUT HERE!!" You snarled bringing back both teens attention onto the journey home you quickly marched forward fed up with everyone's shit.

'It be like that sometimes gamer.' You thought, throwing up gang signs internally.


"Goodbye babe!!" You quickly bid your explosive friend a goodbye earning a grunt and glare from said boy in the process, you and your annoying ass brother walked a little ahead stopping abruptly in front of an average sized house.

Your brother eagerly pushed through the gates to your front door, you following shortly after gazed at the flowers planted in the front grass patch outside the decent sized porch taking in their blooming beauty that you had brought to life.

One of your hobbies (not that you had many) was planting flowers everywhere that you had access to. You loved the meaning behind every flower and found them calming.

"Mira come in sweetie!!"


"Mira dear, will you wash the dishes for me please?"

"Yes mother." You blankly stated, slipping off from your chair you took your family's plates to the sink.

Quickly finishing up the washing part of the chore you reached over to the drying towel only to flinch back when it was snatched away from your grasp.

"What are you doing Monoma." You questioned. It came off more like a statement than anything you thought as your eyes scanned the tall male beside you.

"What's gotten you so down?" The blonde questioned taking the towel and a plate into his hands he started drying, giving you the cutlery and china to put away.



You slumped on your bed falling back into the quilt as you stared at the ceiling above you.

A pressure filled your body, it was suffocating and the first time you felt this you thought you were going to die. Later on you only realised this was what they called: being depressed.

It wasn't that severe or serious, no suicidal thoughts nothing of the sort. The feeling came out of nowhere and suffocated you.

You dispersed any and all thoughts that may have lingered in your head as you closed your sad eyes falling into a deep sleep you didn't hear the door being knocked on and you certainly didn't notice the heterochromatic haired male that made himself present in the room.


It had only been a few hours later that you had awoken from your slumber, oblivious to the mismatched colour haired male that had once stood in your room, gazing at your sleeping figure.

"Finally awake huh." The voice of your psychotic brother rang throughout the room immediately scaring you, you screamed quite a few slurs and questionable statements.

"Y'know that loser with the red and white hair stopped by. Actually he went up to your room, I obviously (but secretly) tagged along. So there I was barbecue sauce on my titties I peeped my head round the door (secretly of course) when I just found him staring at you. Eventually I told him to go home seeing as he wasn't gonna stop staring." The blonde rambled (leaving out the important conversation between the two males) making you question your existence you sat there mouth agape hearing your brother mumble (mostly to himself.)

The blonde slowly crept into his little sisters room making himself known to the heterochromatic haired male. "If all you came to do here was stare at my sister then I suggest you leave. Now."

Icy-hot didn't say anything for awhile trying to understand the males concern he turned to the boy staring at him for a short while the gears in his head spinning. "I came to leave her the homework she forgot to pick up. Monoma."

"Oh I'm sorry didn't know leaving off homework consisted of drooling over my sister. Todoroki."

"For her being your little sister... you've hardly payed attention to her. Now how does that make her your sister that you must obviously care so much for, truly Monoma?" The scarred male spat, venom laced in his voice he showed a ghost of a smirk.

"I'm gonna say this once freak. Don't go fallin' for my sister, she doesn't need someone like you in her life."


"Teehee what are siblings for hoe thang."

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