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At the MIKAELSON COMPOUND, Cami, whose hands are still smeared with blood after pulling Papa Tunde's blade out of Elijah's chest, drinks a cup full of his blood to heal after Klaus attacked and fed on her, grimacing at the taste as she swallows it. Once she's done, Elijah turns to her, looking furious as he growls quietly "So, now that you have healed, what do you mean, Niklaus had a plan?!"

Elijah's voice rises to a shout "We had a plan! A plan he has mercilessly destroyed--"

CAMI loudly interrupts him "Your plan wouldn't have worked, Elijah! When Klaus got into my head, he said your plan would fail, so he and Zoya had to enact one of their own."

Elijah glares at her, stunned and frustrated by this revelation "And what might that be?"

"He has to get her to link to them."

At the COMPOUND, Elijah cannot believe what Cami is telling him

Elijah goes frustrated "My brother wishes to bind himself to our enemy? She'll be virtually indestructible!"

"He said I had to convince you that everything he had to do, he had to do that alone with Zoya. You had the wrong ingredients to kill Dahlia, and he has to buy time before he finds the right ones."

Elijah looks confused "How?"

"I don't condone Klaus' actions. I'm trying to help you."

Elijah looks up at her with a hurt expression, unable to believe what she's saying

"All I know is Klaus will do whatever he has to do--"

Elijah suddenly loses his temper. He bellows furiously "--KLAUS WILL DO WHATEVER HE HAS TO DO FOR KLAUS."

He holds up his phone as he walks toward Cami

"Now Hayley isn't answering her phone."

Elijah, overwhelmed with fear and anger, begins shouting again "Now, WHAT HAS HE DONE?"

Rebekah and Marcel quickly walk into the room, interrupting Elijah and Cami's conversation

REBEKAH sheepishly appear " Don't blame the messenger and he is not alone"

Rebekah and Marcel join Elijah and Cami by the fountain, and both of them look just as angry as Elijah. Elijah and Cami gape in shock when they see Rebekah in her original body

Elijah looks confused "Rebekah?"

REBEKAH shrugs "Looks like Niklaus had a lot on his to-do list last night."

She looks over at Marcel sadly and hesitates before turning back to Elijah

REBEKAH speak "And, as for Hayley..."

Elijah goes worried "What is it?"

MARCEL sighs " When Klaus attacked me, he stole the spell that I used on the Crescent wolves..."

Elijah enraged "So he would condemn her to the body of a beast?"

"Not him, but Zoya decided to turn them"

Rebekah, who looks overwhelmed and worried, rushes over to Elijah and grasps his shoulders so she can look him in the eyes " Elijah. Hayley will be human once a month. We will find her and we will help her."

Elijah shakes his head  and tries to push Rebekah away "No--" zoya got corrupt due to all this.

Rebekah looks at him sadly, hating what she's about to say as much as he will

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