a new start

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I felt her coming downstairs while talking on the phone with Niklaus

"Just stick around for a second. Your buffet will be there speedily. "

He halts.

I heard voices raised. "I surmise the buffet arrived. "

"I never thought you would put so many humans living on the venture. ''

I stare at her wondering what's taking place.

She stares at me and her reply made me unsettled. "Do me a favor? Make them plead for death. "

Cami watched her with horror

"Does your Dear Finn know how evil you are? "

"My valuable Finn knows me for sure how evil I am." is she blind to not see the Finn lunatic act

She had stuck in the chair and studied through the heap of files.

She half wailing. "Stop staring me Cami."

Cami asked nervously, "How many lives are there? "

Very casually "Around 50" what the hell is happening

"I think you.."

She winds her off "soft, innocent." she smiled while going through files

"I am sorry Cami but I never intend to give you that assumption. I am selfish, heartless, stubborn and "

Cami stops her "what possessed you "she doesn't look at her or me, but we expected a contradicting statement

"I got my file thanks for your company. "

She gets up from the couch to leave at this time.

"Zoya it is dark outside. it might rain. You can go later. "

I move to the door and snatched the file from her hands. Go on, I am ready to fight.

"Sapphire ships. Interesting. Tell me why you need it and you can take it. "

She leans toward me and her fragrance hit me and I relived an hour ago we argue and how close she was to me and... Then I broke her.

I saw her looking at me or better reading my soul. I put my facade back.

She moves back with a handbag in her hand.

she leaned on me to pick her HANDBAG

"Goodbye Cami" smiled to her

Wait, you came here for what? She comes here all to get this file and now she gives up on that. No fight?

And left.

I again took my place on couch try to read, but can't concentrate

Niklaus called "Where is she? I have been trying her phone. "

I replied calmly "She left. Why?"

"We need her help?"


I was going in peace while working through my documents on my phone.

When my phone stopped

LOW battery and goes off

Now my phone also bailed out on me

I walked a few miles more ahead than usually, Nikolai hangs for me.

No one P.O. V

Elijah is driving the car fast searching out for her

He groaned as a few raindrops fell on the windshield.

STUCK |Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now