breaking news

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I entered the kitchen. Zoya was cooking and dancing on some old Bollywood classic song.

"Morning. "
"Morning "
"Finn, let's have breakfast. "
She put a plate in front of me and placed pancakes for me.
And something fried bread on her plate. i narrowed my eye.
"Pancake for you and aloo ka paratha for me" she is giggling like a  that makes me tempted to her food
" mind if I have a bite?"
"Nope. "
I pick fork and knife .she Snort
"Not like that .let I feed you. "
She tore it with hand dip in yogurt.
"Open your mouth" while blowing the food and feed me
and starting tapping fingers on the counter while waiting for my reaction
"Oh speak up. how is it?" impatient as always
"Give me your plate. "
She grinned and passed me her plate.

we were eating in silence but not as last night silence but peaceful silence

"Finn "
"Hmm. "
"I lost my phone, I think Kol took it. " It startled me, but then I covered it up as she seemed nervous.
" I will try to get it. relaxed"

"So," I spoke.
"So. "
"Why here in New Orleans?"
"Go ahead"
"I ran away from my marriage. " she babbled.there was a pause to everything in the world.
She spoke:
"Well,appi and jiju make us meet. everything was good at first but ..."
"who ran away for marriage zee? If my going to wife ran away

" I might kill her," I whined and then I realized I am not supposed to say that

"Wow Finn, thanks for your thoughts." and her face fell
She heads out from the apartment being hurt.

I head to the streets in anger. i I end up at the Rousseau's. luckily it is not crowded, I hopped on a stool. a blonde approach me "too early to get drunk"
"No, I don't drink "
"I haven't seen you before "
"Well, I am new to the city. "
"I am Camila but call me cami"
" I am Zoya"
My stomach growled. Great timing
"Hungry.why not order something?"
"Well, I am not carrying cash. i should come next time. "
"Wait .bill on me"
"But next time you will let me pay"
She smirked.
"So order," cami said.
"French fries with coke"
"Wait till I get that. "
"Sure "

She came with the order.
"So what ruins the mood that makes you end up here so early? "
"Have an argument"
"Worse close friend"
"Do you have some deja vu of me coming here because I am enjoying your company."
"Well I am studying psychology that helps "
"Tell me about the place. "
"This city speaks music, art, stories. A warning doesn't roam at night. "
I smiled while taking a sip.
She raises eyebrow
"I already have experience. "

She looks behind me; I turned to find a cute teen with a button nose and KOL. he seems busy admiring the girl.

"Hi, cami meet Kelab " the teen spoke.
My back was to them so Kol doesn't see me.
"Davina meet Zoya and Zoya meet Davina she is like my younger sister,"
"Hi, Davina" I turned and smiled at her.
Kol eyes widened
"Hi " she replied with a smile
"Excuse me, I need to talk to Davina," cami took Davina with her

Now it's me and Kol or Kaleb. We both are observing each other.
"I need my phone back." I broke the silence
"Come again" he seems confused.
"Listen you slow processor the day you kidnapped me you took my phone. I need it back" I spoke very politely.
He pulled my phone from his pocket.
"And if I don't" he toys with my phone.

I lean at him
"You don't want me to call you kol in front of Davina and cami or worse Kol Mikealson " and his face show all shades of white
My discovery shocked Kol.
then i saw Davina and cami approach us.
"Davina it is good to know you have such great friend like...." clever boy got the hint and push my phone in front of me
"Kaleb" i never thought i would threaten the vampire soul in witch body and he could get scared.

"well, I have to go see you around. " I get up from the stool.
While at the door,
"Cami next time the bill on me," I wink at her and left

Well appi means sister and jiju means brother-in-law

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