Chapter Forty Three - Part Two

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Chapter Forty Three: Dark Forces - Part Two

Rock faces and sparse shrubs streamed by Sam's cockpit. He aimed the craft under an arching rock formation and shot over a low rise. Jaxx's large transport ship careened through the canyon a hundred feet ahead, sputtering smoke from a dented exhaust port from an earlier collision among the rocks. Jaxx had thought to lose Sam by flying into the canyon. While Sam's ship was faster and more manoeuvrable, he couldn't be sure he would reach Jaxx in time.

Sam checked the time on a display. He'd been in the air for over four minutes now, giving him less than two minutes before Jaxx could blow the bomb.

He would've killed for an external cannon, but a passenger craft wouldn't carry any weapons. Jerking his ship up, he cleared a cluster of jagged rocks and gave himself more room higher up. Anti-flying radars might pick him up, but a law violation was the least of his concerns right then.

He closed in on Jaxx from above, getting steadily closer. There was only one move for him to make, and he would have to be careful. Jaxx's ship was heavier and more than three times the size of Sam's short-ranger. He couldn't guarantee his ship would hold if-

Sam spun sideways away from a pointed rock, and the underside of his craft caught on the sharp point with a shrieking scrape.

Keeping control of his spiralling, Sam dove the ship downwards. He shot towards Jaxx's transport ship and slammed into his side. Everything jolted and sparks shot out from the collision. Jaxx's ship rocked and its backside struck a protruding rock, sending an explosion of rock and metal into the air.

Sam yanked to the side and then slammed back into Jaxx. His cockpit window shattered and the front side of his craft crumpled, a large metal sheet falling away. Hot desert air streamed into the craft and whipped his hair. Alarms blazed over the dashboard, lights flashing damage reports.

Jaxx's ship careened to the side and the front edge struck the ground, digging into the earth. Sam struggled to regain control of his damaged craft, feeling the handles fight against him.

He had less than a minute left.

The large transport ship struck something hard under the ground and jolted, rising up and suddenly overturning in the air. It crashed upside down, screeching through the earth with sand and dirt bursting into the air.

Sam's ship spun away, smoke billowing from his crumpled front. With the ship heading to the ground, he climbed onto the dashboard and stepped through the shattered cockpit window. Steadying himself, he launched himself into the air as the spiralling craft struck the ground and exploded behind him.

He landed beside Jaxx's downed ship and stumbled through the sandy ground. Blood poured down his head and he realised he'd hit his head in the craft at some point.

They had landed on a rock ledge that ended around fifty feet away on Sam's right. The far-off sand dunes could be seen past the cliff edge, which must have been several hundred feet below.

Sam reached for his sword as he came to the upturned ship, wiping the blood and sweat from his brow. He kicked at a large window, shattering it, and looked inside. Jaxx was gone.

Rounding the ship, he saw Jaxx rushing away, detonator in hand. Sam broke into a run and then leapt towards him. He landed close and shoulder barged into Jaxx, who sprawled onto the ground. The detonator tumbled from his hand. Sam raised his sword threateningly and stepped closer.

"You are persistent," Jaxx said, breathing heavily. Sweat stains covered the fine shirt under his jacket. "It is an admiral trait, General." He reached out for the detonator.

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