Chapter Five - Part Two

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Chapter Five - Enemies In The Shadows - Part Two

After some time, the gap opened up to a larger room. They rounded a wall of rock and came to a wide open cavern. The area was lined with rows of pillars that reached the high ceiling.

The flames in Sam's hand were brighter and whiter than the flaming wood had been. They gave off more light, with less flames or heat. James found it fascinating to see fire rising from a palm like that. Remembering what Sam had said earlier about having to focus when channelling an open flame, James wondered how taxing it was for him to maintain the fire.

"It must not have been easy to part with such a treasured possession," Sam said to Evan. "Thank you. We owe you a great deal."

Evan gave no discernible expression. "There was no choice, in my mind. We had to learn the way out. That earth was the only link I had to my home, but, greater needs..." He looked away as his voice trailed off.

"You'll return home someday," James said carefully, hoping to please Evan. "Once we learn more about the Arbiter who overthrew your kingdom, we'll help you restore peace to your land." He couldn't believe the words he spoke–they sounded so foreign to him, like something out of a fairy tale. And he had no idea how they would go about finding more on the unknown man who was responsible for taking over Evan's homeland. But he was trying to make amends with Evan.

"I will return to my home once again, and reclaim all the earth it possesses," Evan said, without meeting James's eyes.

James frowned at the lack of warmth in Evan's voice.

"I would settle for any kind of earth," Sam said. "As long as it's outside."

They came to a pool of shimmering water in the dipped centre of the room, perhaps a few inches deep.

Sam lifted his hand in as they approached the rock pillars, illuminating the edges of the cavern. Shadows danced around them, giving the impression of movement.

A howling cry cut through the silence, seeming to come from all around. It was followed by a screeching wail that grew louder as it approached, bursting into the room and echoing off the walls.

James tensed, having heard those sounds before. His hand shook as he reached for his knife.

"Stay alert," Sam said.

"Anyone else beginning to think that the talking plant sent us the wrong way?" James asked.

At the other end of the room, the ground rose into a wide tunnel, leading up to a faint light. The ramp ascended out of view, but James was sure that daylight was at its top.

"Well if he did, he also sent us to a way out," Sam said.

A way out to where, though? James thought.

Sam extinguished the flame in his hand and drew his sword. The weak light from the far tunnel shone off the glimmering water, though shadows were all around them. The surrounding darkness was far too close, concealing far too much.

The swish of steel on wood told James that Evan had also drawn his great sword, and he turned to see the Voarn's large eyes shining in the darkness. James withdrew his new knife, glancing at the long, curved blade. It felt heavier and sharper than his last knife, very solid, and he tried to take comfort in its higher quality.

They cautiously moved between the pillars, their feet splashing in the shallow pool. The cold water caressed James's toes through his sandals, and also stung the small scratches and irritations he had accumulated. He tested his scratched shoulder again and felt a faint throbbing from the movement - Sam's healing magic must have been wearing off - although it was mostly still pain-free.

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