Chapter Thirteen - Part Two

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Chapter Thirteen: An Eventful Dinner - Part Two

Sam helped Hettie up, saying something softly in Canarrian to her, and they made their way to the kitchen.

There was a side door on the left wall of the kitchen, which led to a dining room. A long, cloth-covered table, filled with plates of food and glasses, was set for five people.

Tabetha went to sit beside her aunt but Sam insisted their host take the seat at the head of the table, and that he would tend to her aunt if she needed anything. James took the place on Tabetha's other side, opposite Sam, while Evan sat next to him.

James looked over the chunks of roasted meat, filled with a paste of vegetables that spilled onto the long plate. There was also a heaped bowl of steaming lemon-scented rice and a small mountain of toasted bread. It all looked and smelled heavenly. He was impressed that Tabetha was able to put this all together without having expected guests today.

"This looks amazing," James said to their host.

"It is my pleasure," Tabetha said. "I don't host a lot these days, and Sam does not visit often enough. Especially with friends."

"She always outdoes herself, Tabetha does," Sam said as he spooned a large meat mound onto Hettie's plate. He said something to her in Canarrian, and the old lady nodded and muttered something back.

"Hot for meia, please," Tabetha said, gesturing to her aunt's drink.

Sam picked up a cylindrical cap and placed it on top of Hettie's cup. It clicked in place like a thick metal lid, and soon after a light steam began to rise from the edges. Sam removed the lid and the hot drink released a fruity aroma.

James took an overview of the moment. He marvelled at how odd and unexpected the situation was, and yet at the same time, how nice it was to be in such a pleasant place. They likely had a long journey ahead of them, in their search for the hidden army and uncovering Higero Jaxx's plans in Riondon. Having a good home-cooked meal with his companions certainly beat running around in dark caves.

He finished a mouthful of meat and said, "Sam, you were saying. Being an Oneron soldier, I could use a sword, swing with a grapple hook, jump over thirty feet, and use magic. All that Oneron stuff. Is that right?"

"That's correct, Isles. All that Oneron stuff," Sam said, filling his glass with juice. "You're familiar with the schools of magic?"

"I've read of them, aye," James said. "Fire, Water, Earth, Illusion, Dark, and all that. They're all sourced from a separate god, right? All... thirteen classes?"

"Fourteen recognised classes," Sam corrected. "But some can argue there are more. That's right, each magic is derived from the ancient power of a god. Fire from Ossus, Earth from Riol, Restoration from Calthea, and so forth."

"And Meilos," Tabetha added in. "Holy magic. Meilos, Lord of the Gods. Where Meia is derived from. Canarrian for aunt." She flashed a toothy smile at her aunt, her raised cheeks almost hiding her eyes.

Sam smiled. "Yes, and Holy magic from Meilos." He turned his attention to Evan. "Now, of course, there is no offense meant when we mention these gods, as we all know that there are many gods out in the void, some that contradict the existence of others, and some that are only believed by a few. The ones we speak of, Evan, are the ones known as the All-Gods, or the Universal Gods. You're familiar with them?"

Evan nodded. "Correct, that I am. Somewhat familiar. We Voarn have some understanding of the wider conceits of the galaxy, although we only recognise our Voarn gods. Andaano, Imupius, Thaenos, Amaan, and even Demicron."

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