Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One: The Servant of Lord Kaithdross

The large dragon huffed and sniffed. "I am Regebrass," it bellowed in a deep, rumbling voice. "Servant of the great Kaithdross, Lord of the Haarkbaah Dragons." It stomped and huffed again, swishing its long tail and rolling its shoulders with an agitated air.

James stared open-mouthed at the giant, armoured dragon. He had not expected it to talk, let alone speak the Standard Tongue with such high-quality.

Sam slid down from his mousslo as he spoke. "Regebrass. Servant of Kaithdross. How can we help you?"

The dragon moved its arms animatedly as it spoke. The ground shook a little when it stomped. James was oddly reminded of a performer on a stage. He still couldn't comprehend what he was witnessing.

"There is but one way to help me," the dragon said. "You can die. For that is why I have been sent here. Lord Kaithdross wishes you dead. And so, whoever you are, it is time to die."

James groaned internally, fear seizing his chest. Why does everyone want to kill us or hurt us?

"A moment," Sam said to the dragon, holding a hand up. He winced and held his bruised chest.

James disembarked from his mousslo, along with Evan and Castan. He looked between his companions, hoping to make some sense of this bizarre creature, and was surprised to see the stern look on Castan as he regarded the dragon, having expected to see fear or confusion from their guide.

"You do not know who we are?" Sam asked.

The dragon hesitated, appearing to consider the question. "It matters not. Lord Kaithdross has spoken."

"You misunderstand," Sam went on. "I mean to say, if you do not know who we are, then how do you know you have the right people?"

James perked up. Maybe this dragon did have the wrong people. He felt it was a futile hope, but held on to it nonetheless.

The dragon's long snout twisted as its head reeled back, clearly confused at the question."I have been sent by Lord Kaithdross to destroy you. One of you is James Island. It matters not which one."

James's stomach dropped. It took him a while to recover, and he realised Sam was speaking again.

"And there is no way we can change your mind?" Sam asked casually.

"Nothing will stop me from fulfilling my mission," Regebrass bellowed, puffing its chest out. It's armour gleamed in the sunlight, though it looked worn and dented in places.

"Castan," Sam said, turning and lowering his voice. "Would you hold the reins of the mousslos? Keep them safe and calm."

Castan nodded, moving before Sam had finished speaking.

Sam stepped forward. "Regebrass. Servant of Kaithdross. My friends and I have just come from a battle, and we are injured and very tired. Can we postpone this fight to the death, per chance?"

If the situation were any different, James may have been tempted to laugh at the absurdity of Sam's conversation with the dragon. But instead fear and anxiety churned his stomach and caused his temple to throb. There was no way they could go up against a giant creature like this, even if they were all at full strength.

The dragon shook its head. "An admirable question. But alas, there is no chance. For I, Regebrass, have been sent-"

"Understood," Evan interrupted. He stepped closer.

James saw that Sam was also approaching the dragon. He now knew they would have to fight, and that he would have to be a part of it. He wondered how useful the three-hit sword combination Sam had taught him would be against this foe.

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