Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: The Night of Moon Bay

A crackling fire lit the scene before him. Evan watched his friends around the campfire with a warm, content smile on his face. At first it felt as though he had been transported to this moment, until his younger mind took over and he was really there, as if for the first time.

They were sat in a sandy-grassy patch several yards away from the beach, between a wall of low rocks and a collection of dense trees and bushes. From here they had a good view of the dark waves crashing onto the beach.

Rikan was playing the oouletra. His long green hair hung loose as he plucked the strings of the wooden drum resting on his knees. Though he tended to be quiet and introverted, Rikan had always been able to express himself best through music. At the moment he played an old children's lullaby they all knew, but in a slow, lower key that gave it a haunting quality.

Wispy tendrils broke off from the fire and wavered into the starry night sky, bathing the area in a warm, red glow. Across from Evan he could see Reisa through the fire, hugging her knees. While Marassy preferred to roll her hair up, or keep it in a long braid, Reisa always wore her hair long and loose, bordering her face as it did now.

Nat shifted beside him. "A crown for your highness's thoughts."

Evan blinked. He bit back the anger that usually sprang from the 'your highness' title, which usually came as a taunt from others. "I was just thinking, Nat. About how I believe I will always treasure this moment in time."

Tilting his large head, Nat said, "You are in a funny mood today."

Evan raised his brows in response.

"Away in your dreamland," Nat went on. "I assume that if you truly treasured this moment, you would want to live in it. Study every detail to better remember it."

Evan nodded towards the beach. "I am studying the details."

A smile grew on Nat's broad face. He stretched his legs and leaned back on his elbow. "Oh, I see you are."

"You see?" Evan asked.

Another smile from Nat. His brow furrowed in an uncharacteristically sympathetic manner. It was a look that seemed beyond his years. "Listen to me, Evan. We all know how you feel about her. Now I will admit that I fancied myself a suitor for her. But honestly, now we have grown some, I see her in a different light. By a firelight, if you will."

Evan gave him a confused look. "Her who?"

Nat's eyes widened. "Her–the Matron Saint of Old Farmers." He thumped Evan on the arm. "Reisa, you swirl. That's who."

Evan rubbed his arm, smiling. Nat was getting stronger. "I see. Okay, then."

This was what Evan liked most about Nat. He may play the boisterous fool within a group, especially around girls, but he could be a deeply intuitive person when spoken to alone.

"She likes you too, you know," Nat said. "Anyone can see it. You should just tell her how you feel."

Evan considered this, and then eyed Nat warily.

Nat laughed at the look. "No jest. She no longer holds my interest. To be honest, she somewhat irritates me. But I have a feeling that those traits that swat me are the very same that you hold so dearly."

Evan eyed Reisa through the wavering flames and felt a familiar longing. Every time he looked at her, his heart sank. Every time. He had never seen such a godly vision so singularly personified in a person. A warm swelling expanded within him, tingling through his body.

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