Chapter Twenty Six - Part Two

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Chapter Twenty Six: The Best Laid Plans - Part Two

Liana shared a look with her father before she said, "We've discussed the plan, and have decided that we'll send someone to the Iron Forge while you fellas are with Jaxx."

Sam seemed to consider this, and eventually nodded. "As long as you can be covert, and not connect yourselves to us, or this outpost, then a quick infiltration shouldn't be a problem. Good idea, even."

"I would like to volunteer to go to the forge," Evan said, glancing around all the eyes on him. "I am the quietest, and smallest. I am the best suited for the task. And, my presence around Jaxx may lead to more questions than we would like. It seems that I can draw some unwanted attention to us."

James saw the tension in Evan's pained eyes as the Voarn looked away. That hunter, Audlin, must have affected Evan more than James realised. It was true, however, that Evan did seem to attract some attention. Although so far no one had sent a space dragon to kill him...

"That works well," Liana said. "We could use a Voarn's skills in the infiltration."

"Very good," Jorak said. "Aris will be going with you. He was selected to go already."

"Actually," Liana said. "There was a change of plan. I'm going to go instead of Aris."

Jorak's brows creased and he looked at his daughter with a hardened expression.

Liana held a hand up, pre-empting any protests from Jorak. "I want to go. I can't stay here while I send others out. Not this time. I want to help."

Jorak regarded her quietly. "Very well, if that's what you want."

Liana nodded, her face softening, as if she had been expecting a fight. She turned to Evan. "So I will go with you, Evan. You need someone who knows the land and can get us there and back."

Evan remained still a moment, his eyes tensing slightly, but eventually nodded. "Agreed."

Something about Evan's look gave James pause. He had seen similar looks from Evan before, as if the Voarn had a hundred thoughts running through his mind. Sometimes, it was almost as if Evan was looking at something. Something that James couldn't see.

Sam gestured over at Castan, getting his attention. "Tour guide, it looks as though you may be in need."

"Well," Castan said, raising his eyebrows. "This all sounds mighty exciting, I must say." His cheery expression hardened a little, his tone lowering as he said, "If I can help in any way, you have my services."

Sam smiled at him. "It seems as though James is in need of a business partner. You'd be a good addition when we meet Jaxx. A local Canarrian would make James look less suspicious and more authentic."

"Well," Castan said, "as inconspicuous as you folk can be with your swords, that is." He perked up. "And I get a trip to the casino out of it, too. So all good for me."

"Sam," Liana said sternly. "Are you sure about this?"

"I am," Sam said. "Castan will be well suited to meet with Jaxx. Isn't that right, Castan?"

The Canarrian nodded vigorously, looking over them all with a broad smile.

Sam smiled, ignoring the stern glare from Jorak. "Very well. So James and Castan will meet with Jaxx at the Midgan Casino. I'll go with them and stay back while the meeting takes place. Just in case anything goes wrong. Evan and Liana will infiltrate the iron forge and see what they can find."

"We have a craft waiting for you outside," Liana said.

Sam nodded again. "I just need a minute to clean up a bit," he said, pulling at his stained, dusty white shirt.

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