Chapter Twenty Seven - Part Two

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Chapter Twenty Seven: The Midgan Casino - Part Two

Such a grand place it was too. Floor to ceiling doors were left opened at the far end of the lobby, leading to the main floor of the casino. Loud bells and machinery bombarded them as they entered, flashing lights and throngs of people everywhere. A few extravagant marbled statues reached the high ceiling, like pillars in a grand ballroom.

"Keep an eye out for our contact," Sam said, raising his voice slightly to be heard. "I'll get us a drink while we wait. How about a table over there?"

"Waitress service will be better," Castan said, smiling. "Come, let us sit and be served. Will take you longer to wait at the bar."

Sam nodded in agreement. "Better than standing around and looking suspicious." He gestured for Castan to lead the way.

They crossed the main floor to another section against the left wall, partitioned by a tall glass divider. The room opened to another large floor where a band played a soft, mellow tune in the corner. The sounds of the main floor diminished a little here. Castan found a round table a few rows in. They sat and looked around.

Pink-skinned alien women with black, glistening eyes navigated the tables, holding trays. Their glittery uniforms and shapely bodies drew obvious attention from some of the customers. A small bar was against the wall, where a talking mech with long appendages served several customers at once.

"This is some place," James said, taking it all in. "You ever been here, Sam?"

Sam sat with an arm draped over the back of his chair. "I've visited Riondon a couple of times, but never managed to come to the casino before."

One of the pink-skinned waitresses came over and took their order. She almost looked doll-like, with her smooth skin and shaped hair. Castan said to trust him and ordered the drinks on their behalf, giving them a wink and smiling brightly at the woman. Her Standard was almost inaudible and very basic, but she was friendly and winked at Castan as she left.

"I'm going to have a little look around," Sam said. "Keep your eyes open. For more than just the waitresses." He smiled at Castan as he stood, then left them.

Castan leaned back with a satisfied expression as he looked over the room. "This is some life, huh?"

"It's a bit much for me," James admitted. "But good for a short visit, for sure."

"Ah, the lights, the ladies, the money, I love it. Just wish I could afford to spend time here."

James watched Castan. He thought to ask about the man that had approached them in the street; the one who sounded like he was threatening Castan. They still didn't know anything about their guide, and James wondered how much they should really be trusting him. Sam seemed to trust Castan a great deal, though James couldn't shake the feeling that the Canarrian was hiding something.

An announcer came on a speaker system in the room. Time for the Fighting Fury contest in Hall B. Make your way to see the fight of the year! Gozin Gaal versus The Crow!

Castan perked up. "You hear that? Let's watch."

James stayed where he was, unsure of what was happening.

Castan stood up and said, "Come on, there's a show happening in the room next door. You won't want to miss it, I promise! Better than staying here and feeling the wind. Sam and our drinks will find us in there."

James hesitated. "We're meant to be keeping an eye out for Higero Jaxx."

Castan nodded enthusiastically, urging James up. "Better to notice him out there than in here."

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